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28 days after nose surgery..can you read it?

Date 10.01.18 00:39:22 View 4,020

Today is already the 28th. No... It's only been 28 days.. The day feels too long.. I have a small face, so I've heard a lot around the word " younger". It looked a little out of place, but I was satisfied with my front appearance as it was... After the surgery, my impression has changed a lot. I went to the bathroom for the first time today, and my aunt doesn't recognize me ,,, she said a lot in the past that she was pretty... She was upset and swallowed her tears inside.. Now she's like a bird. What is the feeling of the bridge of the nose and chin.. Avatar. Beast. Nine-tailed fox has passed, the forehead seems to be too high than I thought, the bridge of the nose seems to be higher than the place of birth, the tip of the nose seems to be drooping than before, the nose seems bigger than the face compared to the place of birth, and I am upset that the silicone L is inserted, It's not high to others, but to me it looks too high... It doesn't match my face... It's said that the swelling goes down and the bruises go away in a month. I'm looking forward to that day. According to my older sister, the nose shape will come out in a month.. I'm upset. Tears keep coming out even when I sit still. I told the doctor that I really don't want it too much, and that it should feel a little raised from the old nose... Big, high, pointy, I hate it all. When I look at the pictures of my small, round nose in the past, tears keep coming... My sisters look at me from the side... They tell me they'll go to the hospital with me in 3 months, and they make me upset... This is all a process.. I thought, but suddenly, I started to get scared and scared.. I really don't want to do the surgery again. I sincerely hope that this operation will be the first and last operation.. I am tired and exhausted because I have suffered so much for 28 days... I have lost 4kg.. As the swelling of my face has gone down, my cheeks have also fallen out, revealing my cheekbones. If the forehead and the bridge of the nose are lowered, and the tip of the nose is slightly raised, I want to continue to look inside... (If the overall appearance of the nose as it was in the past was only slightly protruded) After 2 frames, it will be 30 days . It's been a month... I wonder if this look will continue. I'm so upset.. I cried so much today that I'm going to be swollen tomorrow..

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