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Revision nose surgeryㅠㅠI can see the blood vessels

Date 09.12.11 00:45:22 View 2,948

Hello , I was dissatisfied with my nose, which was always curved and low, so I decided to have nose surgery and had it in June of this year. The doctor who said he would shave off the protruding nose column to correct the crooked nose as much as possible and use silicone and ear cartilage to make it look natural and straight, looked at my ear piercing in the operating room, and performed surgery on my nasal septum without asking any questions. After that, he notified me . Well, they say that the nasal septum is more expensive and better, so this isn't really a problem, but the bridge of the nose, the part where it goes from the forehead to the bridge of the nose, looks cut off and not smooth, and the bridge of the nose and other parts are fine, but the bridge of the nose looks a bit like an 11 . . And I don't know if it's because the nose length, which was fine before the surgery, has increased after the surgery, but it looks too long and the tip of the nose feels too droopy. I didn't like all of these things, but what really shocked me was that there was something that looked like a horizontal blood vessel on the bridge of my nose. I didn't know at first, but about a month after the surgery, the swelling started to subside, and when I laughed or cried, horizontal blue blood vessels appeared on the bridge of my nose. They say that there are people like this often. They say it may look more natural because it's blood vessels... The bridge of the nose already looks sticky and stringy, and every time I smile, the blood vessels appear horizontally and blue. Who would think that's natural? No.. When I went to the hospital about 3 months after the surgery, they said they would do a reoperation if the blood vessel was still visible, but when I went back now, they said that removing all the silicone and having the surgery again because of that one blood vessel was like burning down a thatched house to kill fleas. What a needle. They said they would put the same thing in and widen that area a little. They said it would get better, but I was really stressed out.. When I kept talking about it, they kept asking me why I kept complaining about something that wasn't a big deal. It really didn't make any sense. ㅇㅣIn this case, what kind of action should I request from the hospital? ㅠㅠPlease help!

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