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12th day of nose surgery!! help!!!

Date 07.11.08 21:41:05 View 2,718

I had nose surgery on October 27th to be exact!! (Sili + nasal septum without any osteotomy) Today is the 12th day of surgery. The day before yesterday, the 10th day after surgery, I was eating and suddenly a nosebleed came out of my left nostril. I was startled and tilted my head back, and the nosebleed started gushing down my throat and out my mouth. It was really crazy. It stopped for a while and went to the hospital after work that day. I went to look for it. The doctor looked at me and said that the blood vessels inside my nose were more exposed than other people's. He said that it was like seeing a crow fly and losing your stomach. Originally, the blood vessels were thin, but it was only bleeding after the surgery. He said that I was stressed because I had frequent nosebleeds, right? That's what you're doing,,, that's right,,,,,I,,,I've never had a nosebleed until this point. I really lived my life without even knowing what a nosebleed was. Anyway, I didn't have anything to say in response, so I came home that day and went to sleep. ,Also, blood is flowing from my left nostril. It's like a fountain of blood. ,, I couldn't sleep and stayed up almost all night to go to work. Then, there was no bleeding for a day, and today, suddenly, my left nostril came out again . Blood was pouring out of my nostril, and it was bleeding like crazy. It came out the best. All the tissues I was holding turned red and even the jacket I was wearing was bleeding. Since so much blood was coming out of my left nostril, the blood even moved to my right nostril. The double nosebleeds I heard about,,;; So, I went to a nearby otolaryngology clinic and drained the blood and stopped the bleeding. After a while, the bleeding stopped and I took a taxi and went to the plastic surgery clinic. Unfortunately, my doctor wasn't around today, so another doctor looked at me. The doctor may have damaged my blood vessels from the surgery, and besides, They said it would be worse because I was on my period, so they blocked both nostrils with cotton and brought me home. I have never had a nosebleed in my life until now. The hospital keeps saying we will wait and see if there is a special cause or they are not telling me. I'm just talking. I can't live because I don't know when I'll bleed again. It's so crazy and sad and scary. What's the cause that I can guess right now? Is it possible that the doctor accidentally touched my nose during surgery? Should I just follow what the hospital says and watch? I'm so scared and I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm bleeding so much that I feel dizzy and can't live. Oh, and the blood poured out three times like this, so I don't have to worry about inflammation or anything like that. Phew, for now, I'll just wait and see for a few more days. It's really even more frustrating that there's no special treatment to receive.

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