Job Review

I had nose surgery today.. detailed review

Date 07.08.09 23:22:40 View 3,607

After getting nose surgery, I wrote hastily, calmed down again, erased it, and wrote it again. First of all, I only had the tip of my nose done with the nasal septum + ear cartilage... It was really, really painful. There are some people who say it doesn't hurt, but I honestly wasn't confident about my nose before I had it, so I wasn't sure about the nose surgery. But when I actually did it, I felt a little empty... I was scared that I might do something wrong... I also felt guilty for changing the face that my mom and dad made for me... but I also had such a complex that... um... it felt like people were only looking at my nose when they looked at me. ..I'm always worried...stressedㅠㅠ So I did it...I got on the operating table and fell asleep in the blink of an eye...Oh my god...I'll never have another such fun and scary experience. It's like... I feel like I'm in Alice in Wonderland... I was really immersed in the 4th dimension, like going down a swimming pool slide;; But I was unconsciously shaking because I was scared;; Anyway, I slept like that for a few minutes and when I woke up, the doctor was removing my ear cartilage. I wasn't here for rhinoplasty, but it took a long time as if I was here for ear plastic surgery;; After I completely came to my senses, they started the nose surgery. Even though I was under anesthesia, I could feel the pain little by little. I guess it's because I'm sensitive. And the sound;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.,. The sound of scraping ? I had surgery to lower the tip of my nose, but now I have a completely snub nose;;; Café members say that the swelling will go away over time, so I just believe them... It will go down ㅠㅠ Hehehe.. We'll have to wait a few months to find out, but it looks pretty good right now. It seems... and honestly, it seems too early to say this or that... I want the swelling to go down quickly so I can live my daily life properly... Too many people pretend that plastic surgery is nothing... Especially celebrities... I thought it wasn't a big deal. I's very difficult and painful and heartbreaking...and it takes a long time to get even just the tip of the nose done;; that's also a surgery...I really respect the people who have had it several times...ㅠㅠNow, I'm going to stop looking at those celebrities who have had plastic surgery in a negative light. .It's amazing and makes me cry when I think about how difficult it must have been for them. I think plastic surgery really takes courage and you have to have a strong will to do it. If I have any regrets, even if the surgery I did now is not 100% perfect... even if I like it 60-70%, I'll just live with that nose for the rest of my life without having to have it again until I die... I'm sure everyone does, but right now my nose hurts and is in so much pain . It's so sad and difficult... I don't know how I'll survive the night I won... I really don't want to recommend it to anyone except those who have a complex about their looks... Plastic surgery... It's so painful... ㅠㅠ

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Cmts 11
ㅁㅅㅇ 에서 하신분 보시고 하셨나요? 저도 거기 상담 받았는데 다 좋은데 막상 한사람을 못봐서리...ㅡ.ㅡ...
07-08-10 00:17
으엥;;; 나 오늘 수술 하러 가는데 ㅠ.ㅠ 완전 무섭다 ㅠㅠ
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제코모양 지금봣을때는 자연스럽게 하신것같은데..ㅁㅅㅇ에서 코하신분들 성공하셨다고 많이 들어서..근데 샘이 보여주시는 사진 봤을때도 되게 자연스러웠어요..
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수면마취중에 그게 느껴져요?ㅡㅡ
그냥 잠자고일어나면 수술끝나있다고하던데;;;;
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혹시 ㅣㅗ ㅠ ?
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맞아욤 ㅣㅗㅠ 쌍까플하고 나온언니는 덴따 이뻣는데..코수술 한언니는 되게 티나기는 햇는데 가까이서 못봤구 코는 뭐 몇달 자리잡아야하니..
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저두 정보좀주세요
07-08-13 03:12
ㅜㅜ 저도 ㅁㅅㅇ에서 했는데 님처럼 겁나 신기하기도 하고.. 다신 안할 고통이었어요ㅜㅜㅋ
23-05-11 08:54
iFit Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
앞트임 복원이랑 쌍꺼풀 재수술 상담받고 왔어. 쌍꺼풀은 일단 눈하고 미간 사이의 거리가 좁고 지금 쌍꺼풀 위치가 나쁘지 않다고 말씀하셨어. 되게 친절하시고 왼쪽 오른쪽 사진 꼼꼼히 봐주셨고, 눈 흉터가 있긴 한데 뜨면 안 보이고 다시 집는다고 해도 그 붓기가 있는 기간을 거쳐야 하는데 비추천 한다고 딱 잘라 말씀하셨어. 눈복원은 눈 밑파임, 애교 끊김이 있다고 말씀하시면서 앞복 사진 보여주시면서 미세 복원을 하면 이 정도로 된다고 하셨고 애굣살 부분 속복원은 안 된다고 하셨어 근육을 옆에서 당겨와야 하는데 그건 아니라고 하셨고, 미간 넓이 보시더니 그렇게 나쁘지는 않다고 하시면서 수술을 하면 얻는 것보다는 돈이나 시간 흉터 이런 부분에서 잃는 부분이 더 많을 것 같다고 전체적으로는 비추천 한다고 하셨어. 그렇지만 굳이 앞트임 복원을 하고 싶다면 40% 추천, 60% 비추천이라고 하셨어. 복원을 하면 흉터가 남을 거라고 하면서 괜찮겠냐고 물어보시기도 했고.... 되는 거 안 되는 거 딱 잘라 말씀해 주셔서 좋았고, 말투가 귀여우시고(?) 되게 친절하시고 꼼꼼하게 봐주셔. 시간은 40분 좀 넘게 봐주신 걸로 기억해. 애교 끊김 개선이랑 속복원 가능하다고 하셨다면 바로 예약금 걸 생각을 할 정도로 잘 봐주셨어. 비추라고는 하지만.... 나는 쌤 말에 수긍을 못 하겠지만... 어쨌든 상담받아보길 추천. 지금 눈이 어떤지 되게 상세하게 말해주셔.
얼굴사진 찍고 실장님이랑 상담했어요 원하는 라인있냐 물어보셨고 인아웃하고 싶다 했는데 세미아웃 추천해주셔서 라인 잡아주셨는데 괜찮아서 놀랐고 라인도 여러번 잡아주시고 되게 예쁘게 잘 잡아주셨어요 비절개 눈매교정 자연유착 하자고 하셨고 원장님 들어오셔서 인아웃라인, 세미아웃라인 눈매교정 들어갔을 때 눈동자 보이는정도 등 라인 여러번 잡아주셨고 상담 끝났을 때 이거이거 땅땅 합시다 이런 느낌은 아니라서 흐지부지 끝난느낌 ㅜㅜ 그게 아쉬웠어요 트임 추천은 안 받고 비절개 눈매교정 자연유착 하기로 하고 후기할인+당일예약금 할인이벤트 적용했고 예약금은 10만원 사후관리는 붓기레이저 무제한에 비용없고 무제한 수면마취+국소마취에 비용은 없고 상담내용 있는 종이는 받지 못했어요
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