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I just had nose surgery.

Date 07.05.01 15:02:26 View 2,384

I had nose surgery at 10 in the morning. I've been wanting to do nose surgery for a long time, so I wasn't that nervous. Others said that sleeping anesthesia is not scary and does not relieve pain, so I was not so nervous about the operation. And before the operation, when I sign the consent for surgery, the nurse told me about anesthesia..Is this sedation? They said that the sedation lasts for 5-10 minutes and they do local anesthesia. They said that they were given sedative anesthesia for a while.--So you can see everything during the operation .-- Anyway, I lay on the operating table. I was under anesthesia, and the doctor said I would be from 50, but I think I counted to 20.,Other people were going to sleep right away..ㅡㅡ And I fell into a strange 4D world, and when I heard the consciousness, the doctor just stirred my nose. ㅠㅠ I just sting and scratch something in my nose, and it's scary anyway. And at first, I was breathing through my nose, but later they said it was difficult to breathe through my nose, so they told me to breathe through my mouth. Swallowing is very difficult, and I really don't know why I had nose surgery during surgery and I didn't die while doing this.. Anyway, it was really painful. ㅠㅠ I was scared.. ㅠㅠ After the surgery, I went to the recovery room to see my nose. ㅠㅠ And I have a small nose and no flesh. Others say that my nose is blunt at first, but I have a pointy nose.. ㅠㅠ As the swelling goes down, it will become more pointed.. ㅠㅠ Right now, I don't like the way Jeco looks through the tape. ㅠㅠ I'll have to remove the tape to find out.. When I got home, I ate pumpkin juice and my mouth didn't open well, so I just rolled soup over rice and ate it. It's the first day, so there isn't much swelling yet, but it wouldn't be a joke if I did.. ㅠㅠ I 'm starting to get goosebumps right now. My runny nose is overlapping.. The tip of my nose feels like I have a cold.. I think Yeonyans are really amazing. I can't even wear glasses because my eyes are bad, so I'm wearing lenses and my eyeballs are going to fall out right now . It's still pointy.. ㅠㅠ

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