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Please help me choose a hospital.

Date 07.03.11 00:23:46 View 2,957

The hospital that I compressed, Apgujeong ㅅㅇ(ㅓTTㄹ), did not meet a doctor, so I consulted with a counselor, and he was very kind. This is an open nose, nasal septum and short nose surgery, so the price is about 350.. You're a little old, but I didn't like it because it made me feel a little offended , but the doctors weren't friendly either because they were tired from the surgery...;; Just, ㅠㅠ But.. It's a place I've been thinking about for a long time, yes, I'm a little inclined to go here, but the nasal septum and the silicone nose bridge are short, the price is about 270, the method is the same as ㅇㅇ .. ㅇㅇㅇ (ㅗ ㅔㄴ ahㅣ) The hospital is really small ,,, I was the only one who recommended to reduce the nostrils. real. The opening, surgery method seems to be a bit complicated.. The price,,,, about 330? I've been to a lot of places, but I'll still go there ^^ If you have any information about the hospitals here, I'd like to ask you for good news as well as bad news ^^ Especially about ke ㅇㅁ, I'm worried about which one to choose, but I don't have the courage until the surgery. ㅠㅠ Nose surgery,,, , will there be no hindrance to living in the future? The surgery must be painful enough ?

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