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[코성형후기] A medical student's article on the dangers of face plastic surgery

Date 06.09.13 10:54:47 View 7,290

I stumbled across this by accident. I snorted with a nasal septum.. Reading this post makes me so confused.. Huh.. ------------------------------- -------------------- The article is long, so I'll just summarize. Cheekbone surgery is an almost unsuccessful operation (it doesn't work well and the level is low). The nose surgery is also dangerous for silicon, Gore-Tex, and cartilage, and it collapses later . Don't do anything except double eyelid incision. I am also a female medical student who suffered from the wrong double eyelids, but returned to normal due to reoperation. By the way, I can confidently say that "female medical students" have the second most plastic surgery information after plastic surgery specialists, so if you are around, please ask for advice. Now, to the main point... He's undergoing facial surgery.... I'm still in my 3rd year of major... I'm really goofy with a lot to learn, but I'd like to give you some advice. Facial surgery is a huge undertaking. It's an incredibly dangerous operation, and even five years ago, or even when I was in my first year of preschool, if my seniors told me that it was not a car accident or a facial deformity, but an ordinary person who performed facial surgery, the professors would It was an operation that I was opposed to with tears in my eyes. In a nutshell, it is a very recent operation that has been performed for cosmetic purposes. In fact, a famous celebrity in his 30s even received counseling at our university hospital due to the side effects of this surgery. I'm really, really, really worried about the number of female celebrities who have had facial surgery. I don't know exactly what kind of surgery you want, but are you trying to get a cheekbone or jaw surgery? Take a look around and see if any of you who have had surgery other than double eyelid incision have been without any problems for more than 10 years. no. Find out if any of you are 5 years old . Is there anyone who is living a normal daily life that is satisfactory. Professor Goever Rims, who is said to be the leading plastic surgeon (Johns Hopkins University), said, "Beauty is the second issue in facial surgery." and said at a conference in 2005. In fact, there are only doctors among doctors in our country, but medical research institutes are very sparse, and research facilities are poor. It's a pity that I can't help it, because I studied to death and paid a huge tuition fee for 15 years of studying, but I don't want to study with a paycheck. I don't like it either. Therefore, new developments in medical research are entirely dependent on the West, especially the USA and Norway and the UK. But unfortunately in the West Among cosmetic surgeries, double eyelid surgery and facial surgery are unpopular surgeries, so their development is very slow. Rhinoplasty and liposuction breast augmentation are the mainstream. Therefore, the development of facial surgery is not much different from that of 5 years ago . There are many things I know, and there are so many things I want to tell you, but it is not written in a coherent manner. ㅠㅠ The conclusion is not clear yet, and even if the desired result is not achieved, I would like to tell you that if the extreme situation does not become a problem in your life, you can thoroughly excuse yourself from the compensation. And if you don't have a lawyer in your family, it's very difficult to hire a lawyer, and even if you win, you pay the lawyer's fees and opportunity costs over time, and in the end the damage goes to you. Lawyers, who have studied a lot, know that there is a high possibility that a medical lawsuit will add another flaw of losing their business card, so it is self-evident that they will refuse or demand a huge fee. Are you envious of celebrities because they are pretty? Why are they all pretty and no failure ? Many failed entertainers are already being forgotten from our memories, and only successful people are surviving today's entertainers . and Investigate how many people are paralyzed and lead to death. Of the famous facial plastic surgeons, how many face plastic surgeons are in Gangnam that are not in litigation ? It is one of the Big 5 medical schools, but two weeks ago, a woman in her 20s at our university hospital fell into a state of paralysis while undergoing chin surgery by a professor . (Similar to Nam Hee-seok ). Because the patient signed the oath, that is, it was a surgery even though it was clearly informed that side effects may occur (of course, there are no side effects 0% of all medical surgeries) . It's not really the professor's fault, it's the patient's characteristics. In short, modern medical technology and law cannot guarantee you. Make it clear that you can suffer for the rest of your life in the name of your unique constitution . I'll tear it apart please. Please understand how I feel when I even explain this supplementary explanation. I can't say it because of the loss of honor, but among female celebrities, there are not one or two women who are walking on a thorny road. I can't count the number of people who are suffering from this and are going to the hospital. Huh....... Sir, after reading the article below, he says he is doing cheekbone surgery and the tip of the chin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!;; I didn't see it and it was just a facial surgery, so I was vaguely thinking about it. Clown surgery is really a no-brainer surgery. Oh please. Clown surgery is a surgery that even the best celebrities can't easily do. No joke, more than 80% of the cheekbone surgery in the plastic surgery before and after photos are virtual plastic surgery based on data from the DREC Plastic Surgery Society at Johns Hopkins University. It is a scam, a gamble, and a lottery to hope that the skin will stick together without such asymmetry after cheek surgery . As for the risks, it's an extremely risky operation that can't be overstated no matter how much I say. If you touch your brain wrongly, it's not just a side effect, but good-bye~earth! It is a very new operation that has been performed for less than 10 years. To give an example of the current double eyelid surgery in Korea, to add a bit of exaggeration, I would say that the level of the current cheekbone surgery is similar to going back to 1985 and performing a sausage outline double eyelid surgery with a complete incision at a university hospital. can. If you want to decide, do it 10 years later when there are no side effects with your skin with more advanced technology. When it comes to cheekbone surgery, I don't like the cheekbones, but my skin sags very badly, it hurts when I smile, my skin trembles, and sometimes when it gets cold and hot, there are side effects that turn blue , and one or two of those side effects are likely to appear within a year. We pride ourselves on being over 50%. You know you look 10 years older when your skin changes!!! Moreover, there is no traumatic problem in this case, and there is no compensation at all because it is difficult to provide evidence that plastic surgery is the direct cause. Plastic surgeons just have good bones and have no health problems, so go back. If you do, you're done. ㅠㅠ It 's normal in my opinion once a patient complains. There is no solution for this. sir. A 50% rate of side effects is murderous. A side effect rate of only 1% and 0.5% is going to live with a half chance at a flowery age in a scary version? I've tried to get advice from people around me who want to get plastic surgery on the face, breasts, etc., and I've stopped more than 50 people who didn't trust me because I'm a medical student... I don't even know why I'm thinking about it all day and drying it up like crazy. However, as a victim of the past , I can't afford to look at you like this. Cheek surgery is a surgery that inevitably causes side effects within a few years . Indeed, looks are important in the world, but as you who have already experienced failure know that, things that are more precious than appearances start to show after plastic surgery fails. Why didn't I know before plastic surgery, it's no use hitting the ground. And even those precious things that were good before the surgery are destroyed one by one. It is a problem that even those who have devoted themselves to medicine for 15 to 30 years or more cannot accurately name their names. Having only studied medicine for less than 5 years, I do not dare to define any one field. However, I think that silicone and Gore-Tex surgery, which is just over 10 years old, is still not a surgery that has passed the appropriate time and guarantees stability (about 30 years) like the rhinoplasty surgery. In my opinion, celebrities continue to receive microscopic treatment during their hiatus. In short, no matter how old it is to have nose surgery in our country, it's been 4 or 5 years. No one knows what will happen in 10 years. Moreover, our country's medical technology is entirely dependent on the United States, and the problem is that Koreans and Westerners prefer is that plastic surgery is the complete opposite. In the West, double eyelid surgery is rarely performed, and nose surgery is also developed in this way by cutting the bones and removing the hook. Basically, because the nose bone is large and high, other implants are not often used. Instead, body shaping, such as liposuction, calf incision, and breast augmentation, is the mainstay. On the other hand, in the East, implants are used because double eyelid surgery and nose surgery, that is, surgery to raise the nose rather than surgery to reduce the nose, account for a much larger proportion . However, research is slow, and the development of implants is not likely to be rapid. I believe that surgery using septal cartilage, that is, cartilage, is unconditionally re-operated within 3 years. In fact, no one around the ear cartilage, nasal septum, or costal cartilage lasted more than 3 years, and even after 2 years, the bridge of the nose falls down due to natural adhesion. Alloderm is a very new compound, so be careful. In addition, osteotomy requires a different implant during osteotomy rather than its own side effects. Considering that nose surgery is considered not only for reoperation but also for lifelong surgery, if you do not place the implant in the same location in ancient times, it will be very difficult for bone structure and skin to fail from that point on. I get agonized. Well..... Personally, other than double eyelid incision, as a modern technology, nose surgery is honestly a reoperation, as well as skin aging for the rest of your life. It is my opinion that the pig should not be a pig until it dies due to the inability of the pig to harmonize with the body. To be honest, I get the feeling that the professors are very cautious about plastic surgery because of their social position and avoid answering them. But when I talk with senior women or read journals, I think that real plastic surgery is like a landmine before it explodes. As far as I know, whether it 's Lasik or Lasik, it's been a few years since I've had such an operation, so I can't predict what will happen when my eyes age after surgery . There is this.

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Cmts 32
06-09-13 11:43
06-09-13 11:53
The important thing is that plastic surgeons never deny themselves and do not give their daughters plastic surgery .
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저도 다음에서 이 분 글 올리자마자였을 때 원문 봤었는데.... 걘적으로는 좀 고마웠거든요. 그런데 그 까폐에 성형외과의사들하고 관련자들이 엄청나게 쪽지와 메일로 이 의대생분을 공격했나보더라구요. 기가 막혀서-_- 그 까폐가 수술 부작용으로 고생하시는 분들을 위한 곳인데 그런곳까지 성형외과관련자들이 가입을 해서 압박을 가한다는게.. 이분 말고 다른 분들 좋은 글 많이 써주시는 분들도 엄청나게 공격받고.. 어이가 없죠. 자기 생각을 쓸 뿐인데 왜 태클들이냐고-_- 어차피 성형외과는 여전히 돈 잘 벌고 손님도 많을텐데.
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