It's been over 10 years since I had double jaw surgery, so I couldn't use my septum and only used ear cartilage to make the tip of my nose. It was a huge, flat nose, and a nose that spread out due to double jaw surgery.. My nose had a thick scar due to miscosm.ㅠㅠ My first surgery didn't lead to a high level of satisfaction, and I'm about to have a second surgery. When I was consulted, I was told that my skin is thick and it's a difficult nose, but I also had a lot of burden and aversion to implants, so I only had the tip of my nose done, and no one knows I had a nose jobㅋ I'm worried every day because of the ideal of pursuing beauty and realistic limitations. I had a consultation this time too, and they gave me honest and realistic guidance, and I'm going to have a second surgery without implants.. Silicone.. Many people approach their first surgery easily , but why am I so afraid of silicone ? I heard 3mm is common, but I can't even imagine. I'm worried about my impression changing drastically, and my straight, dense nose would be so pretty, but I wonder how long my life with implants will be stable.. If the second surgery only makes a small difference, I'll have another surgery, right? Even if I do a third surgery with silicone and autologous ribs, I don't think I'll like it because I'm not pursuing a fancy nose. Rhinoplasty is really difficult.