I 've had a complex about my nose since long ago, so I've sold a lot of hand/foot products.
(Just look at my list of posts...)
I tried to get it done last summer with great determination, but I was scared and canceled.
I have a short nose/beak.
The materials that doctors talk about are always the same.
Silicone + ear cartilage + nasal septum + autologous rib (or donated rib)
I know the advantages of septal extension, but I think I was really scared of the side effects of the medical staff's lack of experience. I was
almost giving up when I found out that an acquaintance of mine got rhinoplasty, and while I was researching about it, I also found out about the reverse rotation extension method. When
I went for a consultation, they said that they could just use silicone and ear cartilage, so I made an appointment right away.
The surgery review said that there was no pain at all.
I'm grateful to the medical staff(?) who found and inserted the veins in my arm, which is hard to find
. People who got rhinoplasty say that their ears hurt more, but mine didn't hurt at all.
There was no swelling at all. (Is it my constitution...?)
The biggest advantage of Mob is that they don't block the nose.
I was able to breathe well through my nose until the cast was removed. Haha.
On the first day, I sneezed so much that I intentionally breathed through my mouth instead of my nose. They told me to breathe through my nose because they thought the inside of my nose could get blocked by fat or swelling.
Anyway, I experienced a huge change just with my ear cartilage.
I thought my mouth was protruding, but it was just my nose being low.
I would like to thank Director Cha Byeong-hoon and Director Shin Young-seok .