Job Review

[Low Nose] Non-Prosthetic Rhinoplasty Review

Date 24.12.17 10:06:12 View 197
330 만원
During days
12 Days

I wanted to improve my natural straight line and nose tip while lifting the bridge of my nose, and additionally get rhinitis surgery . While searching for non-prosthetic items, I came across the director's blog and read it carefully before visiting. The blog included some of the surgical procedures, and uniquely, there were many long-term results such as 4 months and 7 months, so it was easy to read. She occasionally wrote about her daily life, and I could tell that she had a great sense of beauty and taste just by looking at the photos she took , so I didn't have much time to worry about which hospital to go to. My self-diagnosis and the director's opinion were the same, and I decided to use ear cartilage and septum. I was in the recovery room for 2-3 hours after the surgery, and I heard that she had difficulty breathing because of the cotton, but I had difficulty breathing because of rhinitis, so I was able to endure it. Still, I visited the next day, had the cotton removed, had laser treatment for swelling, and received antibiotic injections, and returned home comfortably. I diligently applied compresses, and visited the hospital a week later to get a cast, stitch removal, swelling laser, and antibiotic injections. The doctor in the treatment room was kind, and stitch removal didn't hurt much. My forehead, bridge of my nose, and the tip of my nose are still swollen and still feel puffy, but I'm already satisfied because it looks as good as the pictures I've seen on blogs. I like the surgery itself, but I'm also very satisfied that it's not a factory-style plastic surgery clinic. I found this hospital after getting sick of all the same ads and reviews, but I like that it's not excessive. I'll be careful and keep an eye on it. ㅎㅎ

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