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[etc] I had a severe inflammatory nose surgery at Edition Plastic Surgery.

Date 24.12.05 22:20:04 View 1,274
550 만원

After a while of surgery, my nose started to swell up and started to get bigger and bigger like a nose bump. I was scared, so I searched the internet, and found out that people who had nose surgery said that if their condition worsens, their nose can swell or become red. At first, I thought that was the case and thought it was nothing serious, but just in case, I contacted the hospital where I had my first surgery and visited, and they said that it would get better if I got an anti -inflammatory injection. So I got the injection that day and waited for it to get better, but it didn't work. I looked in the mirror several times every day and thought, "Oh no, I'm having side effects. " I became more and more anxious, my personality changed, and when I met people, it seemed like they only saw my nose and I started to get scared. My nephew even called my nose a giant nose. He doesn't know anything about it, but he even calls me "Uncle Giant Nose." That's why I thought I should get another surgery for my ridiculously changed nose, so I looked up reviews of side effects of inflammation, and I started to feel more anxious because I thought that no one with nose inflammation had it worse than me. I came across many videos and articles on cafes and cell phone communities saying that people got the nose line they wanted. I went to see Director HDH. Honestly, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to have a second surgery because he thought my condition was serious, but fortunately, the director said it might be possible, and while I was getting the second surgery, he removed the inflammatory foreign body and made my nose, which had grown large due to the inflammation before the surgery, into a new one. I thought it would be great if only the size of my nose, which had grown large due to the side effects, was reduced, but he also reshaped the line and made the bridge of my nose really slim, so I'm really happy and I 'm grateful every day because I've been to the bottom of a nose job. And I'm leaving this post in the hopes that it will be helpful to anyone like me. If you have side effects, please don't neglect them and be sure to visit a hospital first.

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