Job Review

[Curve Nose] It's my second week of getting a nose job, and I'm writing a review because there's less swelling and bruising than I thought!

Date 24.10.17 09:54:49 View 807

I went there thinking of getting a beak nose job because I have a crooked nose, but it was a pity to just get a crooked nose job... I guess everyone's heart is like that..ㅋㅋ So I looked up reviews and the director's career and ended up getting a nose job at Avek Plastic Surgery. As I went to get nose consultations, I learned about things I didn't know (nose material, types of nose surgery, management, safety system), and gradually narrowed down the hospitals. Out of all of them, I got the surgery at the one with the best reviews that gave me the beauty I wanted and the best consultation! My nose bridge was originally low, so I decided to get it done without implants and I decided to get a crooked nose and a crooked nose surgery, but honestly, I was really worried if it could be corrected at once, but it seems to have been successfully completed at once!! My nose is exactly what I wanted, so I'm so satisfied even though it's a little swollen now. It's  still swollen because it's only the second week, but I'm curious and excited about how it will look when all the swelling goes down ㅎㅎ I always had a hard time with functional nose surgery in the fall and winter, so I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for making me like my nose!!

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24-10-20 15:25
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