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[Nose Bridge] (Day 20 content added) My nose bridge was low, so I got it raised!!

Date 24.08.29 20:26:37 View 793
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20 Days













I got the rhinoplasty I've been waiting for. After the anesthesia wore off, it hurt so much at first... I wondered if I did it for nothing... but after taking the painkillers the hospital gave me, and really staying still and not doing anything, I felt less pain ㅎㅎㅎ Today, when I removed the cotton and got it disinfected, I saw how I looked and I really liked how high my nose was! I wanted my nose bridge to be higher, but when I thought about it because it was swollen, I really felt that when the swelling went down, it wouldn't be too extreme and the line would come out naturally. I still have a sore throat sometimes, but if I take my medication well, it'll be bearable . I want to see the swelling and bruising go down quickly ㅠㅠ I'm so curious. I have to take good care of myself so that I don't have to worry about a second surgery. Right now, even my eyes are swollen ㅠㅎㅎ Let's just lift up my nose. Record after 10 days It's been about 10 days since I got my nose job. There's still a lot of bruising, but it was worse at the beginning ㅎㅎ The swelling and bruising have gone down a lot now!! My nose bridge was really low, but if you look at the before and after pictures, you can definitely see that my nose bridge has gotten higher overall, right? I think it turned out okay, not too much, but maybe because the bridge of my nose is swollen, it looks high now.. But I like it because it looks natural!! I do n't think the bridge of my nose will sag as the swelling goes down, right? Anyway, the progress so far is better than expected, so I like it! It's only been 10 days, and you might think, "What do I know?"... These days, all I'm interested in is my nose every day..ㅎㅎ I'll continue to take good care of myself and come back when the swelling goes down! 20-day progress record It's already been 10 days since I wrote that I had a lot of bruising and swelling on the 10th day. I looked in the mirror and checked again and again to see if the swelling went down more~ and if I didn't get another bruise, if I saw even one small problem, I would go to a cafe or a clinic and look for it~ I called the hospital and before I knew it, all the time had passed ㅎㅎ Now, I ask the hospital again about things I was curious about, and every time I did, the director and the manager were so kind that it was really nice. I even called 2-3 times a day.. I read people's reviews every day and there are many people who regret it and many who said it was a good decision, but I think I did a good thing because I still had higher expectations! It could be because I haven't had enough time yet, but there must be many people who are worried, so I think I did a good thing! I recommend it ㅎㅎ The areas that the director is confident in - the eyes, nose, and mouth - are all different!! Instead, make sure to get it from someone who specializes in noses!

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