Oh, I feel like I edited it this way and that ㅋㅋㅋ I saw a lot of people worrying about getting a nose job with autologous ribs, so I
decided to leave a personal review...ㅎ It would be nice to get a clean nose job in one go, but you never know when things like sagging nose tip
will come back. I was doing fine for the first 2 years, but my nose tip started to sag a little bit, so my nose shape collapsed
. It felt like the balance wasn't right?? So I looked for a director who could raise the tip of my nose from the existing line and make it straight. For my
first nose job, I used a septum + donated ribs, but since it sagged, I
decided to do it with autologous ribs this time. I got an estimate for autologous ribs, and since it was a second surgery, the cost was lower than I thought because the existing line didn't change much.
It seems like it would turn out really pretty if they just fixed the height and shapeㅎㅎ It's been a while since I got the surgery,
so I'm just leaving this as a record~ I hope it lasts a long time for the second time. ㅈㅂ~~ Long-lasting~~~