Job Review

[Blessed Nose] I got eyelid surgery + rhinoplasty + endoscopic forehead lifting + thread lifting!

Date 24.07.25 17:12:53 View 1,168

I had double eyelid surgery elsewhere, but one side of my nose became lopsided and my nose is wide and flat, so I looked for a hospital to get both eye surgery and a first nose job! I made an appointment for a consultation at a place that would pay more attention to me than a factory-style hospital. Director Lee, who did my eye and forehead lift, looked at my eyes and said that since my left side had a lopsided line, I should get an incision-type double eyelid surgery. Since my eyelids were sagging, he said that even if I had double eyelids, the double eyelid line wouldn’t be visible because of my upper eyelid, so he recommended that I get an endoscopic forehead lift. He fixed it with Endotine and told me that if I did it endoscopically, there would be relatively less bruising and swelling and I would be able to get back to my daily life faster, so I decided to get it done! And I told him that I was also concerned about sagging cheeks, so I decided to get a deep cheekbone lift and a mint thread lifting at the same time. I consulted with Director Choi for my nose, and the director said that my nostrils were big but the bottom was wide and flat, so I should get a nostril bone reduction and a bulbous nose correction. Different directors were in charge of each surgery, but I felt more trustworthy because the director had a specialty. On the day of the surgery, there was a separate operating room for only one person, and thanks to the director of anesthesia being there, I was able to have the surgery safely!! :p Now, my eyes are not double-crossed, but have a sophisticated line, and my nose is a suitable height for my face and is thin. My deep cheekbones were also removed, so my jaw line is slimmer, which I love!!

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