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[Low Nose] I had natural nose surgery > I had the surgery again with a nose that looked like it was sleeping again!

Date 24.06.21 15:02:36 View 1,533







세달차 사진이야!

<세달차 사진이야!>

I never thought I would have to have a second surgery in my life. When I was looking for the first surgery, I thought it would be weird if it was too obvious, so I wanted it to be as natural as possible, but the flaws of a natural nose are so natural that there is no trace of the nose surgery at all. The nose before the surgery was not that low either. It wasn't, but I ended up having to do the surgery again naturally, and I regretted it because it was a waste of money.. When I look at the noses of influencers and actors, they look sophisticated and pretty, but I wonder why I didn't do it like that from the beginning. I'm also concerned about the fact that the wings of my nose are too wide even though I had surgery on my nose. I thought that the longer it was delayed, the more depressed I would become, so as soon as I decided to have reoperation, I immediately looked for hospitals and started consulting. Because I felt resentful of the nose I was trying to sleep on. Haha. I made a list of hospitals famous for reoperations, and among them, I looked at reviews and found the one I liked. I've been to hospitals that are good at nose surgery. I think I've been to enough hospitals... but most hospitals say that since a septum was used during the first surgery, reoperations must either use donor ribs or autologous ribs. Of course, as an expert, they probably know better than me, but that's just a rough guess. The method of recommending ingredients while saying, "It will be like this~" wasn't particularly trustworthy. In that situation, I took both photos and Citi before the consultation, and during the consultation, I looked at the photos of the director and Citi together, so I had no choice but to compare. You can use the nasal septum while looking at it, but it seems like it won't be enough, so you can either use another material or do a reoperation with ribs without touching the nasal septum. Since they gave me options in this way, I was more attracted to it. ㅜ During the consultation, it was nice that he carefully looked at the design from the front and side, saying that it was important to have surgery that matched the harmony of my face. The director kept going back and forth between the consultation room and the desk to ensure that I did as much as possible during the surgery. They made a lot of effort to match the date with me. Fortunately, I made a reservation on the right date and showed up. The material was silicone on the bridge of the nose, and the nasal tip material was used together with the nasal septum and ear cartilage, and the part that was missing was used together with the donor rib. I was going to use the nasal septum and ear cartilage together anyway, so I used a lot of it. I don't think I thought about the material for a long time because I didn't need it, but it was burdensome to open my ribs to use a self-sealing rib. Personally, I didn't have any major inconveniences, but the only thing I had was blocking my nose with cotton. ㅜ Still, it's my second time, so I've got the hang of it compared to the first time, so I used a humidifier. I popped it on and took a good rest. When the splint was removed after a week, I saw the yellow bruise disappearing. I thought my nose was in good shape after a week, but looking at it like this, there is definitely some swelling, right? Haha, they say that the high tip of the nose usually comes down as the swelling goes down, but rather than the tip coming down, I felt like my nose, which had been horizontally fat, was gradually becoming thinner. Even before the surgery, I asked them to make sure that the wings of the nose were fixed and that I didn't want the height to be too burdensome. As I told you, I think it was a good decision to have the reoperation because the nasal wings were narrowed a lot and came out with the sharp shape I wanted without additional correction. On the other hand, I wonder if I would have done the reoperation if I had researched it well from the beginning and had the surgery in a shape that suited me. Haha, think that good things are good things, and try to stay positive ㅜㅜ Okay, even now, where did you get the reoperation? Haha. For those of you who are looking for first surgery or reoperation, don't regret it like I did ㅜㅜ Make sure the director takes care of the shape you want and looks at the overall harmony. Please consider carefully whether the consultation is trustworthy, etc. before surgery!

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