Job Review

[Tip of Nose] One and a half month review of nose reoperation

Date 24.06.11 13:43:09 View 2,518

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This is a review after about a month and a half of surgery at K-Plus~! - Reason for choosing the hospital: I looked at many reviews on various platforms and chose a place that looked like my style, but after excluding the large hospitals, there were two places left, so I went for consultations. Since it was a second surgery, I really didn’t want to fail this time, but Director Kim Jin-woo gave me a long consultation, so I trusted him, and I decided to have the surgery here because I thought he would take responsibility and do it again if anything went wrong! - Before surgery: I met with the director before the surgery and told him exactly what I wanted! I told him what kind of shape I didn’t like and what I really wanted to improve, and the director kept asking me if there was anything else, so I felt comfortable talking to him. - After surgery: The surgery was over at the expected time, but as soon as I woke up from general anesthesia, my nose started hurting so much that I had to take painkillers ㅠㅠ It still hurt when I went home, so I kept taking the prescribed medicine and Tylenol! Since the prescribed medicine doesn’t have painkillers, I think it would be good to keep Tylenol on hand. - Surgical materials: I used silicone for the bridge of my nose, ear cartilage at the tip of my nose, and donated ribs. The ear cartilage was reused, and the nasal septum was weak, so I used donated ribs! The silicone was laid down very thinly. - Satisfaction: Before, my nose was so different from my original nose that no one would know that I had surgery, and the beak and sagging nose tip did not improve at all. The sagging nose tip was the biggest stress, but I think the director caught this part well and took care of it, so now it is not too much and I am really satisfied!!! I wanted a neat nose that is not too flashy but not too natural, and it turned out exactly as I wanted, so I can confidently take pictures and don't use Photoshop anymore. Now,,ㅎ People around me who were discouraging me from getting a second surgery said it went well and that it goes perfectly with my image, so I feel good ㅎㅎ When I was looking for it, there weren't many reviews, so I was worried, so I hope this will be helpful to those who are worried like me! I recommend that those who are thinking about getting a nose job go for a consultation at least once :)

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24-06-11 13:52
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