Job Review

[Low Nose] Low Nose Surgery Review!!

Date 24.04.20 11:24:20 View 1,687
450 만원
During days
100 Days

It's already been 3 months since I had my nose job! I decided to get it done and saved up money diligently, but I spent 2-3 years worrying about whether or not to get it done. My face is a bit long, so I was worried that if I did it wrong, it would look even longer, and my philtrum was long, so I was worried that it might look even longer after the surgery. So I kept worrying about whether or not to get the surgery, and a few years passed. I couldn't have the courage to start unless I was sure that it would definitely succeed. While I was worrying like that, I asked an acquaintance who works in dermatology about good plastic surgery clinics, and he recommended 2-3 plastic surgery clinics. I visited 5-6 places including the ones recommended to me and the ones I looked up, but I decided to go here because Director No Bong-il seemed to be the one who looked at my face the most accurately. I liked the fact that the silicone was made to fit my nose, and I didn't like the tip of my nose being lower than the center of my nose, but he answered that question accurately. I was really nervous on the day of the surgery... It's already been 3 months, and I feel like all the awkwardness in my muscles when I smile, which I had been worried about, has gone away! I had a cold in March and blew my nose all day, but I didn't feel any discomfort at all, and I've had all the surgeries I could do on my nose, but I'm still healthy. I can feel the incision scar on my nose fading away after 3 months! Personally, if I could go back to January, I would get rhinoplasty from Director No Bong-il, and if I had side effects from the silicone and had it removed, I would go back here. My nose was a bit ambiguous (you can think of it as a strange nose because all parts were a little lacking...?), but he really changed it and did a great job with the post-surgery care, so I'm very satisfied with the surgery. I tend to be suspicious, so I couldn't make a decision even when I went for consultations, and I wondered if the doctor's advice was the best... But through this surgery, I realized that if you meet a really good medical team, following the doctor's advice will lead to the best results. Even though I had every surgery possible on my nose, it still came out naturally, just like my original nose. + I had 2mm silicone + osteotomy + nose tip ear cartilage + nostril reduction.

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