Today is the 8th day of the incision on the inside and outside of the nostril. It seems like the scars aren't as big as I thought. Surgery time: within 1 hour. Day 1: Even though it was done in the morning, I can't remember the day of the surgery, maybe because of the weakness. How I got home by taxi. It's not even close. But I didn't think I needed a guardian. As the anesthesia slowly wore off, my upper teeth started to hurt, starting from the philtrum, perhaps because the inner muscle was sutured rather than the outer incision site. Day 2: As the anesthesia wears off, you begin to feel a throbbing sensation throughout the area. Originally, it was said that I could wash my face outside of the surgical area, but I only used cleansing water + facial wipes to avoid touching it as much as possible. My nose felt too dry when I slept, so I put the prescribed eye ointment on a cotton swab before going to bed to moisten my nose, and it felt better. Days 3 to 6: I intentionally received a sebum peeling before surgery, but sebum started to appear around the 4th day. No matter how you gently remove the bridge of the nose, you have to give up the outer incision. Perhaps because I took the medicine consistently and drank pumpkin juice and pumpkin tea, the swelling was less and I didn't feel any pain even without massage. Do you feel uncomfortable just because of the stitches? Day 7: It's like hospital Sabasa, but I got stitches on the 7th day. I saw a review that said it didn't hurt when removing the stitches, but it did hurt me. Personally, I don't think the hospital itself, except for the doctors, is meticulous and sincere. It wasn't so good that I had to write another article to talk about the actual care, but looking at the results of the surgery, I'm just satisfied so far.