Job Review

[Blessed Nose] Reviews of Noonjae and Kojae that I keep posting because I’m very satisfied with them.

Date 24.04.08 15:55:04 View 2,179

코 수술 후

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눈 수술 후

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Hello, this is already the third review... haha. Originally, I didn't plan on coming here this regularly, but since it was a reoperation, I was the only one who could observe the changes and take pictures, so it would be a little better for the artists, right? I kept posting this because I thought it might be helpful. I had reoperations on both my eyes and nose, and if you want to see pictures before the reoperation, please refer to the previous reviews! I've seen it so many times... I've completely deleted my past self... haha. There's a saying that the swelling goes down after 3 months. I completely felt this while undergoing revision surgery this time! I'm currently in my 4th month. Last time, the swelling had definitely gone down quite a bit, so I felt like I was feeling thin, but now that I'm in the 4th month, the swelling has gone down much better. Even though it's a reoperation, it's not even 6 months yet, and it's settling in well enough to satisfy me. I guess it's because I had a pair of eyes before the reoperation. Maybe I need eye correction? I thought so, but the director checked my eyes thoroughly and told me that I didn't need eye correction. Before, I was dissatisfied with my nose because it wasn't properly corrected, but now, when I look at it from the front, it looks thin and doesn't feel like it's clearly puffed out. Last time, another doctor asked me to show him a photo with his eyes closed. So I took a picture this time! ㅎㅅㅎ Even though it was a reoperation, I am satisfied that there are no noticeable fixed lines(?). My facial features are clearer than before the reoperation, so I don't need to put too much makeup on. These days, I actually like to wear lighter makeup. Since it is a reoperation, there will be a lot of people who look carefully at me, but I am the most important when it comes to showing off. What I feel is... I think I should definitely convey my opinion to the director, whether it's about materials or design! During my first treatment, it was my first time looking into plastic surgery, so I was hesitant and passive, but after undergoing reoperation this time, I pointed out the things I felt would definitely improve and told them, and the director tried harder to focus on those points. I plan to continue taking pictures until I reach my half-year mark. Hey hehe, this is my third review, so I think I wrote a lot of things I wanted to tell you, but if you have any more questions, please let me know! I'll leave a comment or message to the best of my knowledge!

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