Job Review

[Hawk Nose] Review of closed hooked nose + rhinitis surgery (2 months later)

Date 24.03.12 23:20:08 View 1,950
700 만원
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72 Days

I have very severe allergic rhinitis, so I have been going to the ENT clinic as if it were my home since I was a child. My nose is always stuffy, and maybe because of this, I have a severe headache, and especially when I sleep, my nose is stuffy, so it's normal for me to wake up and sit up to greet the morning.. ㅠ And as I grew older, one more thing that bothered me arose, and that's the hooked beak. ' It was. If you look at pictures of me when I was young, I had a straight nose bridge, but as my beak gradually got worse, I had a perfect hooked nose, so I couldn't take pictures very often, and most of all, I was very worried about who was standing next to me. (Especially, if my profile is pictured somewhere, it causes me so much stress that I erase everything..ㅠ) When I was in high school, I was under the most stress. When I went to the local otolaryngology clinic to see a doctor, I asked the doctor and he said that surgery was the only option, but I couldn't even think about surgery because I was living my life. I couldn't do that, and that's how I became an adult. After living with such stress, I got a job and became an office worker, and suddenly I decided to have surgery before it was too late, when I was at least a year younger, so I decided to get a hooked nose surgery for the new year and search for a hospital. Since I have never had surgery in my life, I didn't know how to find out about this kind of cosmetic surgery, so I searched on the Internet using various keywords such as hooked nose surgery and rhinitis surgery, and came across a review posted on a blog. The blog owner emphasized that he chose the hospital because it is 'private' and 'safety is the top priority', and since it was my first surgery in my life, a nose surgery that is well-known to be risky, I decided to go to the hospital with the thought that it would be great if the surgery was unconditionally safe and without side effects. I asked for information. Looking at other people, it seems like they look into a lot of hospitals (they often use the expression 'selling out') and schedule consultations at many places and choose them carefully, but due to the nature of my job, I have a limited period of time when I can take vacation, so I have to have surgery within that period. Since I had to recover, I didn't have time to look into various places. ㅠ So, I decided to give it a try and made an appointment for a consultation. (Consultation: 1:1 directly with the director, followed by additional consultation with the nurse about costs, surgery date, etc.) After the consultation, I thought I should just have the surgery here without having to look into other hospitals. The reasons are: 1. The hospital facilities were really clean, 2. It is a hospital run by a single director, 3. Since it is an ENT department, rhinitis surgery can also be performed, and 4. The director personally provides after-care . In particular, since the surgery is performed under local anesthesia, the patient's mind is awake, so there is no need to worry about shadow doctor surgery, which often appears in the news. When I looked up reviews of people who had surgery at this hospital, I found that safety was commonly emphasized. So, I only look at ‘safety’ and schedule blood tests and surgery dates. On the day of the blood test, I visited the hospital again, and since I visited after work at the time, I was in makeup, but the hospital had everything ready, so I removed my makeup, washed my face, and the director personally took pictures with a digital camera. Afterwards, he displayed the pictures he had taken, explained the condition of my nose, asked me what direction I wanted the surgery to take, and gave detailed consultation about it. Also, before the visit, I was instructed to choose a photo I liked from the after photos on the hospital's website and I showed them the photos I had captured. There were some differences between their nose and my nose, so I listened to a detailed explanation and explained the direction of the surgery that would suit my nose. Please tell me the truth, including the fact that my nose before surgery was asymmetrical, so the shape of my nostrils may remain the same after surgery, and that my beak is so large that even if it is removed, it may remain slightly at a 45-degree angle. So, I actually had more faith. After completing the consultation, you will receive precautions and medication prescriptions to follow before surgery. I took enough leave from work for two weeks and had the surgery on a weekday morning. At the end of the surgery, the doctor showed me the mirror and showed me the shape of my nose after the surgery. I was amazed when I saw the smooth bridge of my nose without any curves. Haha, while recovering in the recovery room, I ate pumpkin porridge provided directly by the hospital, drank two glasses of water, took medicine, slept, and was discharged the same day. When I went home, I turned on the humidifier in an immobile position and fell asleep without doing anything the teacher told me not to do. The next day, I removed the cotton stuffed in my nose (it hurt a little too much). After that, I went to the hospital and received treatment, including disinfection. After visiting the hospital every day and going through the long-awaited stitch removal day (it may feel a little stinging, but compared to removing cotton, it's cute), the bruises will gradually disappear after the splint is removed, and you will have a satisfactory nose shape! As I am writing this, it has been exactly 2 months and 12 days since my surgery, and now I have no bruises and am living well with my nose open and breathing. lol I am very satisfied with the shape of my nose after the surgery. I don't usually look in the mirror often, but for a while, while brushing my teeth and washing my face, I looked at my nose in the mirror, looked to the side, then looked forward... (anyway, it was a mess). Hahaha , I think I did a really good job with the surgery because the purpose was not to get cosmetic surgery (to raise the bridge of the nose like crazy and make the tip of the nose slimmer~), but to improve only the parts that I naturally had a complex about. Even though only the hooked beak was completely gone, my stress was gone. Now, regardless of who is standing next to me or not, I actually like it when the photo shows me from the side... That's how I live. Hahaha , now I visit the hospital about once a week to get my runny nose, scabs, etc. removed (since I can't blow my nose yet). Since I have no other plans for surgery in my future, I am writing this for the first time so I can write it down before I forget about it. And I'm leaving this post because I hope it helps at least one person who is stressed out like me due to hooked teeth or is worried about surgery and wants to know what to do. I think the hospital can be made public here, so I'm also posting the hospital information. (It is a violation of the medical law if you post the name of the hospital elsewhere.) I am only focused on Lievens, so I don't know how other hospitals perform surgeries. If you are having trouble deciding even after looking into other hospitals, please visit here one last time!! The director really takes responsibility for everything from start to finish, so if you think safety is the top priority like me, be sure to get a consultation. The hospital is just a short walk from Exit 3 of Sinsa Station, so it is easily accessible. I am so satisfied that I wish I had had the surgery a long time ago! If you have any questions, please leave a comment! I'll answer based on my experience :)

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