Job Review

[Blessed Nose] I will write a detailed review of my autologous nose surgery.

Date 24.03.11 13:37:49 View 3,700

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Hello artists, I was so scared that I couldn't make up my mind to get nose surgery, but I didn't want to take pictures because of my lumpy nose and I thought it was mentally unhealthy for me to be insecure, so I made a big decision this time and got the surgery. There are a lot of events and appointments at the end of the year and the beginning of the year. I was in a hurry because there were so many, so I had the surgery at the Louvre around mid-November last year. The nose materials used were autologous ribs and silicone. If you look at the pre-surgery photos, your nose may not look that bad, but since your face shape is round and you have a severe nose, you look younger and gentle overall. I wanted to have a sophisticated image with the nose surgery, and I thought it would be nice to have a design that is sharp all the way to the tip of the nose when viewed from the side. Since this was my first surgery, I honestly preferred the nasal septum to the costal cartilage, but most of the hospitals I went to for consultations only accepted the nasal septum. They said it was impossible to raise it as much as I wanted haha. Among them, there were places that said that even without a CT scan... I didn't trust my standards for those places, so I excluded them all. I heard that lengthening and correction of the nose are inevitable because the original nose length is short. I may also be biased. I started selling , but these days, it doesn't seem like costal cartilage should be used just because it's my first surgery. I think it can be used sufficiently if the bridge of my nose is too low or if a firm support is needed . I'm telling you this because I wanted to succeed at once more than the cost of the surgery, so the hospital gave a discount if you made a same-day reservation, and I almost didn't listen to people saying things like "some places are cheaper than other places." I almost thought it was noise marketing. If the surgery is successful, won't I be able to save more on others having to repeat the surgery? So, even after the consultation, I continued to look for reviews about what style the surgeon who would perform my nose surgery usually looks at in terms of nose design, and I carefully looked into the satisfaction level of people who had the surgery. Even those who just received a consultation did not think that the hospital's work was done, so I wrote reviews until the end. I recommend you keep looking! This is longer than I thought, so I'll make it short after the surgery. It happened a few months ago anyway, so I don't remember the details. The day of the surgery ~ a week: It's uncomfortable because I'm wearing cotton and a splint, and my mouth is dry because I have to breathe only through my mouth. Do I even need a humidifier? I would like to, but I need to drink water often and my throat may hurt, so I recommend buying throat lozenges. A week or two after the surgery: After the splint is removed, I feel better. Luckily, I rarely have any pain, so I'm just focusing on the discomfort... but since I don't have a splint at this time, really. It was okay. I just felt a little awkward when I moved my mouth and felt a tingling sensation at the tip of my nose. Two weeks to a month after surgery: Any major swelling can be considered to have gone down by this time. To be honest, I was happy to know that all the swelling had gone down at this time, but when I searched for it, I heard that minor swelling continues to go down for up to 6 months, so I thought the major swelling had gone down. And after a month... Well, there are no side effects. It's settled in well without any pain, so I don't have much to write about. I guess the swelling goes down quickly, but it seems like all the minor swelling went away in the second month, and I'm pretty satisfied with my nose now. It was worth researching quite a bit before getting the nose surgery. I'll look into it for a while too. At that time, I was so passionate that it was difficult for anyone to stop me, so I wrote a review because I knew the desperate feelings felt by the artists. The article is not very short, so it may not be noticeable, but I hope it helps at least one artist.

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