Job Review

[Nose Bridge] Male rhinoplasty nose bridge and nose tip 45th day review (recommended for people with protruding eyebrows and low nose bridge haha)

Date 24.02.17 20:06:58 View 2,815
400 만원
During days
45 Days

It may be a bit awkward since it's been so long since I last came here to write about Seongyesa after the surgery. Before the surgery, I came in almost every day to look up information, but after the surgery, I stopped coming in because I wasn't worried.  I went from Busan to Seoul and had the surgery. When I was selling my hair, I went up a week before the surgery and made consultation appointments at six places for about three days. I had the surgery at Named Plastic Surgery Clinic where I consulted for the fourth time. It would definitely be better to get a lot of counseling from multiple places. Especially those who are having their first surgery! As for my face, I want to know which surgeries are necessary and which are unnecessary and excessive, so I recommend going to at least three places.  [Region-Seoul Expenses]  (KTX 120,000 KTX was used once when footing, on the day of surgery, 1 week (splint and outer stitch removal), and 2 weeks (inner stitch removal). Accommodation was once when footing was sold and once on the day of surgery. After surgery, I had my nose removed the next day. And if you add food expenses, it seems like the cost alone comes out to about 70-80 won.  [Surgery progress] ~ Day of surgery: Bridge of nose (silicone) + tip of nose (nasal septum + ear cartilage)  On the day of surgery, 1 hour longer than the original reservation time? I went about early. I was nervous, so I went to the exam room early and did it as if I was going to relax. Haha, I went and sat for a while, filled out the patient consent form, consulted with the director one more time, changed into surgical clothes, washed my face, waited for a while, and then went to the operating room. When you go to the operating room, the nurses are preparing the surgery and talking to you. The operating room is cold and I'm already nervous, but I'm even more nervous. I guess it's because the surgical gown is thin? But as I relax and chat with the nurses, the director comes in. Did you come in, sit down, and exchange one or two or three words? Doctor, shall we start anesthesia now? I asked, and yes, the surgery was about to start. As soon as I heard, I fell asleep right away. And when you wake up, the surgery is over. Go to the recovery room, sit for a while and recover, and then return home when you come to your senses.  This is where the real pain begins. When I first got to the accommodation, it was better than I thought. I wanted to eat porridge, but since dawn, I've been getting more and more swollen, and I have to breathe only through my mouth, and it seems like I'm getting a headache... Anyway, there are more than one or two things that are painful in many ways. I'm supposed to only breathe through my mouth when I sleep, but I fell asleep from exhaustion and woke up because I couldn't breathe!! I woke up... and when I looked at the clock, 10 minutes had passed; It's really hard to wait until I go to the hospital the next day to have my nose removed.  ~ It's been 1 week since I removed the cotton.  My nose is still very stuffy and my nose is not runny, but rather oozing? The same thing happens, but I'm still thankful that I can breathe through my nose. I frequently applied eye ointment with a sterile cotton swab every 4 to 6 hours, and the swelling seemed to reach its peak on the 3rd or 4th day. I had surgery in the winter, so I went out for a walk, but it was so cold that I felt like my nose was getting more runny and stuffy, so I refrained from going for a walk. If you go to the hospital in the first week to have the splint and stitches removed, they will treat you and get a laser treatment for the swelling. It's a bit painful to take off the splint. I can't even feel the outer stitches being removed .  When I come home after removing the splint  for two weeks, I can see the shape of my nose and it's really amazing. But if you look at it up close, it's gross. It's really a blackhead on your nose; I already have men's pores and oily skin... From this point on, I started taking care of my pores and blackheads haha. The bridge of my nose has risen (about 4.5mm), and the swelling has added to it, so my eyes look a little crowded. From this point on, I started going for walks, showering carefully, and consistently applying ointment. Just carry on with your daily life the same way you did in the first week!  ~ After a month,  I can see the swelling and bruising gradually subsiding. When it comes to pimples on my nose, I never use physical force and manage them with Acnon cream! I also apply Newgel scar ointment and take care of the columella and ear incisions. I met my friends and they said it went really well and the surgery didn't show up as much as I expected, so I'm glad. Looking at it with my own eyes, my eyebrow bones have come out a lot, but my complex about the low bridge of my nose has improved a lot, so I'm very satisfied. + Reviews are a cost discount benefit. You all know what I'm writing, right? Haha. I took it into consideration, but I wrote it as honestly as possible. If you look at my previous posts, you'll know how I ended up going through the surgery hahahahaha I tried to write a review every 1st and 2nd week, but I ended up writing a review all at once! And personally, the swelling went down really quickly, so there isn't much of a difference between the second week and now. If you have any remaining questions, please leave a comment and I will answer to the best of my knowledge! Oh, and the director has such clear eyes that I feel 200% confident haha.

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Male rhinoplasty nose bridge and nose tip 45th day review (recommended for people with protruding eyebrows and low nose bridge haha)
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결론부터 말하자면 상담 받고 3일 뒤에 바로 수술 날짜 잡았어요ㅋㅋㅋ 1) 큰 의료사고 X 코 전문 병원 2) 의료사고시에 돌변 X 끝까지 책임지려는 의사 3) 원정님 미감=내가 원하는 디자인 이렇게 세 가지 조건 두고 고르고 골라 상담 받으러 갔고요 성예사에서 후기 보고 상담 받으러 갔는데 역시나 원장님 정말 친절하시더라고요... 상담실장님도 친절하신데 원장님이 인상도 밝으시고 나긋나긋 설명 잘 해주심 처음에 가면 CT 찍고 상담실장님과 원하는 디자인, 수술 여부 등등 간단하게 상담하면서 아이스브레이킹 후(?) 원장님 상담 들어갔고요~ 원장님이 사진을 또 찍어주세요! 그걸로 가상 성형 해주십니다(이거 진짜 성형 뽐뿌와요ㅋ) 원장님 상담 순서는 1) 제 얼굴 문제점(?) 설명 2) 그래서 어떻게 개선할 건지 구체적인 방법 설명 3) 재료 설명 4) 궁금한 점 추가 질문 이 정도였어요~ 이것저것 다 질문했는데 정말 친절하게 미소지어주시며 요목조목 설명해주시더라구요! 예약시간보다 한시간인가 상담 시간 딜레이 됐는데 여기서 풀림ㅋ 제가 작은 코인데 살도 없고... 피부도 얇고 원하는 게 자려한 라인이라 사실 고민 많이했거든요! 비침이나 부작용도 무섭지만 했는데 티도 안나는 코는 정말 싫어서요... 원장님한테 이렇게 말씀드렸더니 지금 코에서 위험 부담 없이 최대한 높이는 쪽으로 말씀하셔서 땅땅! 마음의 결정을 했어요! #수술 당일에 원하는 코/원치 않는 코 사진 준비해갔는데... 바쁘시면 그냥 받고 안보시잖아여... 그래도 어쩔 수 없지 했거든요? 꼼꼼하게 봐주시더라고요ㅠ 조만간 살없는 작은코 성공 후기 들고 올게여!
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