Job Review

[etc] Rhinitis (functional nose), double nose correction, no prosthesis (use of nasal septum), nose wing raising rhinoplasty review

Date 24.01.27 12:27:07 View 2,815
520 만원
During days
30 Days

This is a review of the first month after receiving surgery for non-prosthetic (nose tip septum), nose correction, curved beak trimming, nasal wing raising, and rhinitis (functional nose) surgery by Dr. Kim Seon-gu at Cocoline Clinic.   As a result, I am becoming more and more satisfied. The reason I chose this hospital was because an acquaintance of mine had surgery for a breast augmentation surgery a few years ago with Dr. Seon-gu Kim, and the shape came out naturally and really well, so I also chose this hospital. And my values ​​matched well with the director. Getting a pretty nose was second, and the first was pursuing surgery without side effects. In particular, I felt most confident that he was an otolaryngologist. It also suited my desire for a natural nose that matched my face. When I first went for a consultation, I was thinking about reducing the bridge of my nose and getting a nose tip without implants, but Dr. Seon-gu Kim kindly explained things to me and recommended the surgery method that was right for me. In the shape of my nose, just raising the tip of the nose instead of reducing the nostrils can have the effect of reducing the nostrils, and osteotomy is necessary to make the noses look narrower, and while correcting the nose, some of the fat in the nose is removed to make the nose thinner. He told me the surgical method that was right for me, including how to make it bruised. I saw a review that said he treated patients in a somewhat authoritarian manner, and I think that was from another teacher I had before. Director Kim Seon-gu kindly provided me with good advice. Immediately after surgery until the second week, it was uncomfortable because it was swollen, and the discomfort made me wonder if I had done the surgery right or if it was for no reason. However, as time goes by and I see my nose getting prettier, I feel like I did a good job. At the time of writing, it has been about 40 days, and compared to before the surgery, the tip of my nose has risen a lot, and my nose, which was spread out to the side and looked dull, has become much closer. People around me say that the swelling from nose surgery will go down a lot for up to 3 months, a little more for up to 6 months, and the remaining swelling will continue to go down for up to a year. I will watch more and post a review. The price was 300 for beauty nose and 220 for rhinitis.

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