I had it done in a respack, but at first I wanted to make it stand more on my nose... First of all, my nose is short because the mid-face is long, and the philtrum is not long, but the trend these days is to have a short mid-face, so I'm worried. The corners of my mouth are also raised, but I'm worried because I want to look prettier. But, I have a crooked nose. That's why the director of the park recommended 3D silicone. He confidently said that he could make the nose shape he wanted by using the donor ribs. However, once the 3D silicone went into the initial shape, the shape changed, and the director told him to make the nose and mouth corners look pretty no matter what. I tried everything , but at first, I was really depressed. I didn't know if it was the scar under my nose and the corners of my mouth. First of all, my nose got so fucking long that I started to get angry, so the first thing I thought was, "Oh, this must be a good man's nose." I looked at the app and saw that women's noses are often good too. But my nose is really good. I had a man's nose shaped like a man, so I had to have two more surgeries to lower my eyebrows, and now the inside of my nose is all bent, making it hard to breathe. Anyway, if I go back, I won't do it here. It's expensive, but I don't think I can get the price.