I thought my nose, which had been surviving with nose fillers, couldn't stay like this for the rest of its life, so I had the nose fillers removed and
had rhinoplasty done. After the nose fillers were removed, my hooked nose was really bad.
I knew I had a hooked nose before getting nose fillers, but I didn't know it was this bad. When I recognized it, I was so nervous that only the real hooked nose was visible. This was used.
I wanted to use
costal cartilage to shave the curved nose and tie the cartilage at the tip of the nose for
correction of the nose, but I chose donated costal cartilage because of concerns about pain and scars. I think choosing donated ribs was a very good choice.
Lately, at some point, it has become very natural.
Every day, I think, 'Ah!! 'I had nose surgery, right?' The times when I think about it when I'm putting on makeup or washing my face have definitely decreased in the rest of the time. When I'm just getting dressed, I think, "Oh, that's right," and pay attention to it later. Then,
isn't it really natural for me to be this natural?
Oh, there really is no change in appearance from day to day, but if you compare it to a photo from a month ago, it definitely looks more natural.