Job Review

[Nostrils] Minimum incision nostril reduction for sagging nose

Date 23.11.14 14:31:47 View 1,182

It's inevitable that your nostrils get bigger when you smile, but my nostrils are also a bit big, so I was very stressed. Before getting the consultation, I wondered if I should raise the bridge of my nose to reduce the size of my nose, but after getting a consultation with the director, I knew what to do. Haha.. The counselor is just as professional as the director. He gave me a realistic explanation and suggested a realistic surgery method, and the director looked at my nose and said that there are two things to do: nose sagging and minimal incision nose reduction. I did n't know what those were, so I made an appointment and kept searching until the surgery, and somehow ended up getting the surgery. I was really satisfied with the results. .. I guess I should listen to the experts. I didn't feel any pain and the pulling sensation went away after a day or two, so I went to an appointment on the day of the surgery. In fact, I wonder if I have the constitution to tolerate surgery well. At first, I was disappointed by the swelling and thought I would have asked for it to be reduced further. It's been a month and most of the swelling has gone down, and I'm very satisfied because it looks natural and my nose bridge has shrunk a lot >< I kept it a secret from my family, but they only asked me if I lost weight, and no one knew I had surgery haha.>

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23-11-14 15:24
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