Job Review

[Short Nose] First Nose + First Eye Surgery Review

Date 23.08.11 12:06:51 View 1,051
During days

I'll upload a review of my nose and eyes! This is my first review, so it's a bit disorganized, but I'm uploading it for the record + for those who need information!  I had surgery on Tuesday, August 8th at 10 AM for the first time, and my eyes were incision double eyelid surgery + eye correction / my nose was silicone + septal cartilage + donated ribs! On the day of the surgery (+the first day) : First, I had a fever as an overall symptom. When I asked the hospital, they said that you can have a fever on the day of the surgery. Even after taking the prescribed medicine, my fever didn't go down, so I took 2 more Tylenol. (I'm resistant to Tylenol, so I usually take 2 pills.) My eyes were covered in blood and tears were running down. They were mixed with blood. Other than the continuous flow of tears and swelling, there was no particular discomfort. My nose was blocked with cotton, so I couldn't breathe at all. I kept breathing through my mouth, so I was constantly thirsty. Since I couldn't suck through a straw, I had to pour water into a paper cup and drink it little by little. Since my nose was completely blocked, every time I swallowed water, pressure built up and my ears got stuffy. The first day, I didn't have any major problems except for having a fever and feeling weak due to anesthesia! I thought, "Is it okay if I'm in this much pain when they're ripping healthy flesh and doing surgery?" The second day : This was the hardest day. The fever persisted, my eyes were swollen to the max, I couldn't see well, my nose was so stuffy and blood was flowing out so much that even the gauze got soaked... The hospital I went to said they could remove the cotton from my nose on the second day, so I went, but my nose was bleeding a lot in the morning, so they said to watch for another day to be safe and remove it, so I couldn't remove the cotton on the second day and decided to remove it on the third day . Personally, the second day was the hardest. The fever persisted and it hurt, the swelling was so bad, I couldn't open my mouth so I couldn't eat, it didn't feel like a human being, I wondered why I did this. I regret it so much.... Third day : The eye swelling went down a little, but I got bruises under my eyes and the swelling under my eyes started to bulge out. The swelling in my double eyelids got a little better though, so it became a little easier to open my eyes. But my nose started to hurt. I couldn't remove the cotton, and on the third day, my nose started to hurt beyond discomfort. I just wanted to go to the hospital and have the cotton removed quickly. I quickly went to the hospital and had the cotton removed, but it felt better than it hurt! It wasn't that it didn't hurt when they took the cotton out, it was a little sore, but it made me cry a little? But it felt really cool ㅋㅋ I could breathe right away and it was the moment when I was so thankful that I could breathe through my nose ㅋㅋ But after they took the cotton out, blood and mucus kept flowing out so I had to carry tissues around ㅋㅋ Fourth day : From this point on, I started to feel more human. I could open my eyes to some extent, my nose had less mucus, I could breathe well, and it was so comfortable. My upper lip could move freely so I could eat to some extent, and I could shower slowly so that the water didn't splash. Instead, my face got more swollen and wider. The swelling went down to my cheeks so it felt like I was biting on a candy. Reviews of the surgery vary from person to person, but for me, by the fourth day, the blood had stopped coming out, my condition had improved, and I was able to go about my daily life! Before that, it was so hard that I regret getting the surgery so much that I wondered if it was a waste of time ㅠㅠ But since I can live with it, it was so good that I did it ㅋㅋ People can't be this fickle ㅋㅋㅋ My face is still really swollen, but I really like my double eyelid line, and I'm not sure about my nose because it's still swollen and I have a cast on it, but my nose was so low and upturned before, so I really like it now!! I'm waiting for the swelling to go down so I can look even prettier ㅋㅋㅋ That's all for the review from the day of surgery to day 4! I'll come back and write a review after seeing more!!

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ㄱㅁㄱ 원장님께 상담받았고 제가 신경쓰던 부분을 바로 알아보고 양쪽눈 라인이 다르게 나왔다고 설명해주시면서 눈마다 모양 다르게 잡아보시면서 보여주시는데 수술은 모르겠지만 일단 상담에서 잡아주신 라인은 제가 진짜 하고 싶었던 눈이었어요 그리고 제가 다른 병원이서 눈이랑 눈썹 사이가 좁아서 수술을 못한다고 그랬는데 불가능하냐라고 물어보니 9m에서 10m된다고 눈 간격이 좁아지지 않는다고 친절히 설명해주셨어요 자기 의견에 자신감 있으시고 눈살이 두꺼운 편이라 6,7년 안에 풀릴수 있다라는 말까지 해주셔서 더 신뢰가 갔습니다 다만 원장님 상담이 끝나고 상담실장님이 진짜 너무 늦게 들어오셔서 만약에 부작용이 생겼을때 문의를 하면 이렇게 오래 기다려야 하나 하는 생각이 좀 들긴 했어요 근데 재수술하면 여기사 하려고 생각중입니다
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