Job Review

[Blessed Nose] Unimedi Nose Reduction One Month Review

Date 24.08.24 12:47:46 View 1,060

I was satisfied with my nose, but at one point, when I looked at it from the side, my wide nostrils and large nostrils bothered me. So I searched on YouTube and the internet for a plastic surgery clinic that was good at nostril reduction, and I ended up getting a consultation at Unimedi. Actually, since I live in the countryside, it would have been better to go to a famous plastic surgery clinic in the same area, but the more I searched, the stronger the feeling that nostril reduction = Unimedi. Since there were many reviews, I decided to get a consultation and make a firm decision. Haha. The consultation is done by the director, and since I had double eyelid surgery before, I have gotten consultations from many plastic surgeons, but Unimedi's consultation was especially kind and detailed. They took a long time to give me detailed and kind advice about what was causing my dissatisfaction with my nose and what solutions there were. There were three surgeries I was offered. The first was level nose tip surgery (minimum incision on the nose tip, reduction of the tip + improvement of sagging alar base). The second was level nose tip surgery (minimum incision on the nose tip, reduction of the tip of the nose + improvement of sagging alar base). + columella grafting (artificial dermis) during nose tip surgery. I can't remember the details for the third surgery, but it was level nose tip surgery (minimum incision on the nose tip, reduction of the tip of the nose + improvement of sagging alar base). + columella grafting (artificial dermis) during nose tip surgery + improvement of nostril asymmetry. As you can see in the before-surgery photos, my columella is collapsed in one direction, so my nostril asymmetry is particularly severe. Of course, when I do the first and second surgeries, they balance my nostrils to some extent, but since my existing nostrils are asymmetrical, they said that asymmetry would inevitably appear after the surgery. So they recommended that I get nostril reduction and nose tip surgery while also improving my nostril asymmetry. But in reality, where is there a body part that is always symmetrical? My breasts are even. ㅎㅎ I don't know if this is something that bothers you and you're considering a nose tip reduction, but I'm okay with my asymmetry, so I chose the second surgery (nose tip horizontal + nose tip plastic surgery with columella grafting) excluding the nostril asymmetry improvement. And since it's rhinoplasty, they explained inflammation and contracture, etc., and the probability of inflammation due to rhinoplasty is lower than I worried. They said that if inflammation occurs and the artificial dermis needs to be removed, they can do a second surgery. After consulting with the director, I consulted with the director. Although the consultation was very short, I actually trusted them because they were very calm and realistic. ㅎㅎ They told me that the nostril reduction method I chose was an incision, so it can't be undone (columella grafting can be undone! Just remove the artificial dermis! And since it's artificial dermis, it can be reused!), and that it would be difficult to improve these areas, and that I shouldn't expect a dramatic change. I was more interested in improving this much so that I could keep it to myself rather than a dramatic change, so I liked it. ㅎㅎ It's more important to like your original style or fashion. That was my intention. I had the surgery on the day of the consultation. Haha. Since I live in the countryside and work, it was difficult to visit multiple times due to time constraints. The surgery took about 30 minutes and was performed under local anesthesia. First, the right nostril was operated on first and showed it to me, asking if it was okay and if I wanted it to be reduced more. And since there was a possibility that my nostril would become distorted if my right nostril was reduced too much, the director said it would be best to reduce it to this extent, and I agreed, so I reduced my left nostril to match my right nostril. And he explained that the reason my nostrils looked more asymmetry after the surgery was because the incisions were different on the right and left sides, so the swelling was different. After that, I heard about the prescription and post-surgery care and left the hospital. The swelling was the worst on the second day, but I actually didn’t even know I had swelling. Haha. At that time, the swelling looked the same as my existing nostril. So I thought that if it looked the same, the surgery was successful, and I felt good from that point on. Now, a month after the surgery, I’m very satisfied. I feel so good every day because I can see and feel my nostrils have shrunk. And not only the nostril reduction, but I think the columella transplant was really well done. If I hadn’t done it, my nose would have looked shorter, but after the columella transplant, my nose looked longer because the nostrils were shrunk. This was my one-month review of Unimedi’s nostril reduction. I was so satisfied with myself that I had a lot of fun writing the review. They say that rhinoplasty can last up to 6 months, so I’ll have to happily wait. Then I’ll be back with a 3-month review. (I have to get a discount for the review, haha) Thank you for reading the long post.

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