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[Blessed Nose] A review of a perfect nose escape

Date 24.04.18 17:22:37 View 2,818
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The only complex I had about my facial features was my nose. I tend to wear heavy makeup and I often hear people say that my overall facial features are gorgeous, but my nose bothers me every time I hear those stories... I don't have a low nose bridge, but the tip of my nose is spread out, which strangely ruins the harmony of my face. I felt like I was worried about how my nostrils got bigger and spread out when I smiled, so I couldn't smile as much as I wanted and I covered my face with my hands while I was doing it. It bothered me a lot and made me uncomfortable, so I've always wanted to get a nose job for a long time, but every time I scrolled through my Instagram feed. The noses of the influencers I see look so pretty! I felt that the shape of my nose was important to look good in photos, so I naturally started looking into nose surgery! First of all, when looking into nose surgery, hospitals that are famous for revision surgery are good at performing difficult surgeries, and I thought they would look at them in more detail, so I visited six hospitals famous for nose surgery. Among them, I took a look at reviews, photos, staff friendliness, and consultations from the director. I decided on a hospital! I heard a lot that the hospital I was most attracted to was good at improving the nose, and since the director mainly performs nose surgery, I thought he would have a good sense of aesthetics, so I trusted him. I have a gorgeous overall image and a somewhat narrow nose, so I focused on correcting the nose using autologous ribs. I got the surgery right and actually, even after a week of remaining swelling, I thought this would be very natural, and if the swelling goes down further, it will look natural and not too noticeable. But I guess I was worried for nothing haha. Now the swelling has gone down and my nose is back to its original state. Now that it has completely settled in as naturally as it was my nose, it seems like the swelling has gone down and the lines that the doctor used for surgery have become a little thinner! Even the puffy nose, which was the most complex, was naturally corrected to the point where I couldn't even remember my pre-surgery nose when viewed from the front, and the lines were nicely drawn when viewed from the side, so I'm satisfied! During the consultation, the director confidently told me that my forehead was round and pretty and that he would maintain this curve as best as possible and perform the surgery in a harmonious manner. Looking at the side view photo, it seemed like he really paid a lot of attention to it, so I am grateful haha ​​The area of ​​autologous body odor that you are most curious about... It was difficult to sneeze or laugh for three days, but after taking painkillers and resting well, I was soon able to go about my daily life comfortably! At first, I was worried that the scar would be large, but when I measured it with a ruler, it was really just 2cm. If you look at it in person, it's really not noticeable, and as it heals, it becomes similar to your original skin color... I don't even care about it now, so much time that I was worried about it is a waste! After nose surgery, I take more selfies than before, and I am so happy that I no longer have to cover my mouth when smiling. If there are people like me who are considering rhinoplasty because of their puffy nose, I wonder if the doctor will make sure to improve the front of the nose. If he is going to use ribs, he will use ribs. I think it would be good to find out if you handle it well! Thank you for reading the long article~ haha

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