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My Queen Injection Review

뚜릉23 2019-01-02 (수) 06:00 5 Years ago 380
From what I remember, it wasn't near the station. It seemed inconvenient to get there by public transportation. The hospital atmosphere is friendly and the director is friendly. The director is confident and trustworthy. The price was a bit burdensome, but we proceeded. I consulted about the V-line and cheekbones. I left the clown alone because it seemed to be a bone problem. The director also recommended a clown. Same with money..ㅠ He said that he could prescribe medication and that I should pay attention to injections and weight management. He records pictures and weight every time. I didn't adjust the weight, but it actually increased a little. The jaw line seems to be working. He said there were no steroids, and when I asked about the phenomenon of flesh stains, I was told that there were definitely no steroids. There is no standard left side, but the right side seems to have side effects. It's not that bad, but is it annoying? I'm not very stressed, but for those who are sensitive, I think it would be a concern

Comment 7
테일러힐 2019-01-02 (수) 06:52 5 Years ago Address
그냥 윤곽주사같은건데 이름만 그건가보네요..
패임 다시돌아와요
문찌 2019-01-02 (수) 11:28 5 Years ago Address
윤곽주사인가요? 처음보는 주사 이름이라서..
뚜릉23 Writer 2019-01-02 (수) 11:59 5 Years ago Address
마이퀸은 병원이름이구요
주사이름은 찾아보니까 팻프팅이네요
하하호헐 2019-01-05 (토) 20:47 5 Years ago Address
무슨 부작용인가요..?
뚜릉23 Writer 2019-01-17 (목) 09:34 5 Years ago Address
닭꼬지 2019-01-16 (수) 13:53 5 Years ago Address
역시체중관리도 같이 해야하는거네요..
더 쎈거같더라구요
ysool523 2019-02-12 (화) 14:39 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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