<시술 당일><3주 후><전후 비교>My face was originally broad, but my cheeks lost a lot of fat in my 30s and my peanut-shaped face became really bad. I couldn't get surgery and was thinking about getting filler, but I did and I'm completely satisfied.
All the reviews I looked up didn't seem to reassure me that broad cheeks are that good, but since my cheeks are sunken, I was worried that someone with big cheekbones like me would end up with really wide cheekbones, but it seems to be better than I thought.
I also got botox in my jaw and took a picture recently, but maybe because it hasn't even been a month yet, there doesn't seem to be any noticeable effect.
Anyway, I'm stressed about my peanut-shaped face, but if you don't have a lot of fat in your cheeks, I think it's worth considering. For reference, I put in 1cc on each side, a total of 2cc.