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Review of treatment for pitted wounds

곰곰6 2024-03-08 (금) 01:21 6 Months ago 1795

Around May of last year, the dermatologist I used to go to near my house said they would remove a mole and also remove very small scars on my face, but I ended up with really big and deep scars under my nose and under my chin. It looks like the cave has almost been opened... It was so shocking that I couldn't even take a picture on the day of the procedure... The first picture the next day looks less deep because the fluid had filled up. It was a very noticeable area and had deep indentations, so I wanted to go to a hospital that specializes in wounds and scars, so I searched and came across Bonita. I visited Bonita because it seemed to be famous for scar treatment. I received regenerative treatment 4 times at intervals of 1-2 weeks to a month, and fortunately, I have gained almost all of my weight now. It doesn't stick out and seems almost flat to the surrounding skin. There is still a bit of redness on the chin, and the skin color is dark, so if you look closely at the area under the nose, it feels foreign. Considering how hopeless I was when I first started treatment, it seems like a miracle that it has healed like this. There was improvement after the first treatment, so I was quite satisfied with the 4th treatment, so I wanted to leave a review somewhere. I wrote it in case anyone was looking for information on treatment for wounds and scars.
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Comment 10
수박킬러 2024-04-24 (수) 21:57 5 Months ago Address
Cost and frequency please
곰곰6 Writer 2024-04-24 (수) 23:09 5 Months ago Address
4회했고 회당 15만원이었어!
신이내린의사 2024-05-06 (월) 23:39 4 Months ago Address
많이 좋아지셨네요ㄷㄷ
곰곰6 Writer 2024-05-07 (화) 00:54 4 Months ago Address
네 병원에서도 기적이라고(?)... ㅠㅠ
gmlau**** 2024-05-15 (수) 16:03 4 Months ago Address
병원정보좀 부탁해애앵!!!
곰곰6 Writer 2024-05-16 (목) 10:08 4 Months ago Address
병원정보 확인하기 눌러봐! ㅂㄴㄸ의원이야
헬린이는아메리카노 2024-05-29 (수) 13:51 3 Months ago Address
저도 저기 알아보고 있는데.. 효과 대박이네여
곰곰6 Writer 2024-05-29 (수) 17:05 3 Months ago Address
저는 상처나고 빨리 치료를 시작해서 더 효과가 좋았던거같아요
츄츄07 2024-09-04 (수) 15:50 25 Days ago Address
많이 좋아지셨네요. 저도 여기 치료받고 있긴한데 잘...모루겠네여
곰곰6 Writer 2024-09-05 (목) 10:19 24 Days ago Address
저는 막 상처가 샹겼을때 치료받아서 효과가 있었던거같아요 ㅠㅠ
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