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Petit/Laser job

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Armpit, Arm, Leg, Hand Laser Hair Removal Review

익명 2018-05-23 (수) 22:37 6 Years ago 1261
I got laser hair removal because I have so much hair on my body that it grows back often even when I shave it and it looks unsightly. I got 5 sessions each for my arms (upper/lower), legs (upper/lower), and hands. I’m on my 6th session for my armpits but it’s still growing well ㅠㅠ I think I need to get it done more.. The results are not even close to zero after 5 sessions. It feels like my hair is thinner and less thick than before! I think it’s because I have thick and a lot of hair, but the dermatologist said that 5 sessions wouldn’t be enough and that I need to get it done around 10 times~

Comment 8
유유별 2018-05-23 (수) 22:38 6 Years ago Address
The armpits are really effective. But the arms...really...it's hard to see the effect.
이쥬이쥬 2018-05-24 (목) 17:01 6 Years ago Address
Is hair removal painful..? ㅠㅇㅠ
로사 2018-05-28 (월) 14:14 6 Years ago Address
Yes, it's really a new world lol
지워ㅣ니ㅣㄴ 2018-05-29 (화) 13:20 6 Years ago Address
팔다리는 5회로도 부족한가요..?
지워ㅣ니ㅣㄴ 2018-05-29 (화) 13:20 6 Years ago Address
[@지워ㅣ니ㅣㄴ] 겨드랑이는 2~3회정도만에 거의 안나던데..
윤윤해 Writer 2018-05-29 (화) 16:04 6 Years ago Address
[@지워ㅣ니ㅣㄴ]  제가 모질이 두껍고 많아서 그럴 수도 있어요~ 사람마다 다를거같네요
스페로라 2018-05-29 (화) 16:22 6 Years ago Address
뉸뉴냔냐룽 2018-06-21 (목) 23:53 6 Years ago Address
저두 털 많아서 팔다리하고싶은데ㅠㅠ
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