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Review of Aegyo Filler

디프리드피 2017-01-25 (수) 15:07 7 Years ago 2994
I have plain eyes, so I went to put some cute filler under it . What kind of dermatology is it in Gangnam hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha For” for”” For ever. Rejected because it's just aegyo! I went into my room to get fillers and was sitting in a chair, and the doctor came in. But he looked very busy and honestly, he was very caring and kind. They said it would be visible, so I had to put a little bit in. So it was right. And the director gave me an injection and left immediately... I was a little embarrassed , but it's been 2 years and I'm still satisfied with it . It doesn't look very good, and of course, I don't put a lot of it, but plastic surgeons recognize it. Did you put in aegyo filler?

Comment 5
여리여리민아 2017-01-25 (수) 15:27 7 Years ago Address
What kind of filler did you put in, but still haha ​​I'm glad you did well!!
인생은소꿉놀이 2017-01-25 (수) 18:29 7 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
nemsooni 2017-01-29 (일) 22:13 7 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
zmzmzm456 2017-02-03 (금) 02:40 7 Years ago Address
테일러힐 2019-05-10 (금) 16:02 5 Years ago Address
병원어디서 하셨는지 알고싶어요ㅠ
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