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슈링크 2번받앗는데

라임별 2020-08-06 (목) 17:57 4 Years ago 497
슈링크 두번받앗는데 ㅎㅎ진짜 좋아요 얼굴도작아지고 리프팅되는느낌?
300샷씩받앗는데 유튜브 보니 한번에 300받는것보다 150, 150씩받는게 훨 좋다네용 요새 많이저렴해서 100샷에 3만원대도잇는듯해요ㅎㅎ 20대후반30대초반 한번받아보세요만족하실꺼에요

Comment 7
키요요오 2020-08-06 (목) 19:02 4 Years ago Address
I want to try shrink lifting, but does the effect last for a while?? And when will the effect become noticeable?
재수술은처음 2020-08-10 (월) 13:31 4 Years ago Address
I was also thinking...thank you!
눈누나나99 2020-08-14 (금) 09:04 4 Years ago Address
Oh I didn't know that, thank you so much for the info
뇽두 2020-08-16 (일) 20:02 4 Years ago Address
The price of Shrink has gone down a lot lately. Thank you.
림님임 2020-08-18 (화) 17:56 4 Years ago Address
I'll take note
송소미이 2020-09-06 (일) 18:30 4 Years ago Address
When it comes to skin care, it gets easier.
hhhrrrrr 2020-10-10 (토) 22:29 3 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
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