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Reviews of four rhinoplasty hospitals

ㅁㅇㅈ 2018-10-07 (일) 01:30 5 Years ago 4608
First of all, the condition of my nose is that I
 have a hooked nose, and the tip is high,
 but the bridge of my nose is relatively low. But I don't think the nose itself is big and low, so
 I only wanted to improve the hooked nose.
 This is my first surgery.
The three places are Apgujeong Station, and the last one is the plastic surgery clinic near Dosan Park Intersection. I'm home!

1. ㅇㄱㅈㅅ*
 This is an entire building that is a hospital.
 It is a large hospital.
Because it is a large hospital, there are many directors, but
 I received a consultation from a director who is famous for rhinoplasty.
 There was no consultation fee.
 The consultation with the director
 lasted about 30 minutes, and the consultation with the director lasted about 15 minutes.
 Both of them were friendly, but the director came in right after the surgery, so I was a little tired. You could see it
 , but he explained it kindly.
 He said that he had to sharpen the beak and put silicone in
 . I told him that he had no intention of putting silicone in, but
 he said no, so he had to put it in at least a thin layer...
 And he said that after rearranging the cartilage at the tip of the nose, I should use a septum support
 because the septum is harder than the ear cartilage. Stability? I think he said
 he preferred the nasal septum to the ear cartilage, which has an irregular shape. He
 did not recommend any additional surgery, and said that even though it
 would be a hooked nose, the surgical outcome would be good. Since a hooked nose is something that only happens when the nose is high, usually people with hooked beaks do not put silicone in. There are many cases, but in my case,
 the bridge of the nose was low
 compared to the tip of the nose , so they said that it had to be inserted at all costs. Overall, it was nice and friendly, but because it was a large hospital, it felt like a factory-type surgery, and it had no personality and was out of
 place. I didn't feel like I had to do it here.
 And if the director would see me off, He made a pretentious comment saying that he thought we would definitely be able to see each other again, that he thought he would have surgery here, and that the director said he would take
 care of him... I felt a little antipathy here
 . Oh, and he called me a few days after the consultation... Ha... I I didn't answer because I knew the number, but it was probably a call asking when I was going to have surgery, right? It was very burdensome.
 The price was in the mid 2 million won range.

2. ㅇㄷㅇㅇ*
 The first two letters are English and the last three letters are the director's name. An
 acquaintance of mine recommended this place and said he was satisfied after surgery, so I went there.
 The consultation fee was 10,000 won and it is smaller than the hospital in number 1 and is located in the corner of Apgujeong Station.
 Still, it has been open for 10 years. It was over and there were no accidents.
 The director here is also kind and nice.
 The consultation with the director lasted about 20-25 minutes.
 The consultation with the director lasted about 30 minutes.
 The director is very confident and pursues safety precautions.
 When I said I didn't like silicone, he said he would just remove the hooked beak and not put silicone in.
 The doctor insisted on putting silicone in the hooked beak no matter what. I heard that they didn't sharpen the beak properly and tried to cover it with silicone.
 The tip of the nose was repositioned with cartilage, set up as a support using the septum, and cut in.
 I have a high nose tip, so I thought I wouldn't have to do it,
 but I was a bit surprised that all 1.2 hospitals told me to do a nose tip.
 They said they
 would give it to me, and I was worried because osteotomy is a bit of a major surgery,
 but the director said
 that a hooked nose is always an osteotomy. However, he said he didn't put cotton in my nose to stop the bleeding during the surgery. That was really good. The before and after
 photos were so dramatic that I was really shocked. But it was because it
 was an osteotomy, so the price was reasonable. This... was burdensome.
 The price was in the mid 3 million won range.

3. ㄱㅅ*
 This is also a place with the director's name on it, and is located at Exit 2 of Apgujeong Station.
 Likewise, it has been open for more than 15 years and is small in scale.
 This place is unusual in that rhinoplasty is done with a plaster cast on the table. The
 consultation fee is 5,000 won.
 Consultation time is 40-50 won per consultation with the director. After that
 , there was about 10 minutes of consultation with the manager.
I had a consultation with the director first, and after that, the director gave me a brief summary.
 When I went here, it was interesting because he said something completely different from the hospitals
 I had been to up to this point . Basically, he said that I needed to change the corners of my nose and put silicone in.
 The tip of my nose was high, so they would only rearrange the cartilage and not put in any additional cartilage. He said
 that since my face is a little asymmetrical, the silicone needs to be inserted at an angle (this is the first time I heard about asymmetry)
 and he explained in detail why I need to put the silicone in.
 My nose may look high now, but after the corners are removed, it won't be like mine now. He said that it will be lower than it is now, but if I leave it that way, my face will become flat and strange,
 and that there is no need for an osteotomy.
 Osteotomy is a major surgery, so there is no other method other than osteotomy, or
 it is a method often used by people who have revision surgery.
From the first surgery, they said there was no need to go that far.
 Here too, they came out to stop the bleeding and pursued a natural nose without using cotton.
 The price is in the low 3 million won range.

4. ㅇㅅ*
 This place is also near Apgujeong, but it's not near the station. If I were to be specific, it's near the Dosan Park intersection. The
 name of the hospital here is also the name of the director
 . I heard that this is a place where many celebrities go.
 When I searched, there was no website and there were many people saying that the director only insists on his own method. I was scared, but there was no consultation fee, so I went there thinking I would experience it.
 The interior of the hospital was really well-decorated, like a luxury house. As soon as I walked in, my mouth dropped.
 This place is also small.
 There was only one counselor at the counter.
 Even though I made a reservation, I waited for over an hour.
 I heard that the surgery for the morning operator would be longer... no, I thought it would take an hour longer because of how delayed the surgery was, but it was a
 waste to come all the way back, so
 I waited. There was no consultation with the director, so I consulted with the director right away.
 The consultation time was about 15 minutes.
First of all, the director speaks very quickly and only says what he
 has to say. He doesn't ask if you want a nose
 or anything like that. He doesn't even take pictures of the condition. First of all, the director has a very strong sense of pride, so if you're going to do what I want, do the surgery or don't do it. This is
 what sets him apart from other doctors. That
 doesn't mean he's unkind,
 and he recommended various things besides nose surgery.
 He said they would sharpen the beak, put silicone on the bridge of the nose, and put something in the tip of the nose, but I don't remember. It was
 n't ear cartilage or nasal septum, it was something else...
 Anyway, I went with the basics and had the noble surgery. They told me to do an additional surgery (it's a surgery to pull up the bridge of the nose)
 and that the reason the surgery takes so long is because they consider aesthetics more than other doctors and perform the surgery delicately.
 This hospital's style is something I have to completely trust and leave to the doctor.
 It's not bad. That's not true, it's just not my style...
 And as I heard in the rumor, the price is very outrageous.
 The price is in the low 7 million won range.

To summarize,
price: No. 1 < No. 3 < No. 2 < No. 4
 Surgery time: No. 1.2.3 2 to 2.5 hours / No. 4 3 hours or more
 Hospital size: No. 4 < No. 3 = No. 2 < No. 1
4 I've only been to a few places, but what I felt after getting it done
 is that it's best to have the surgery done at a hospital that
 can best reflect the nose shape you want.
 Most people who undergo revision rhinoplasty
 say it's not because of side effects, but because they're dissatisfied with the shape.
 The reviews are good. A place recommended by an acquaintance may be trustworthy, but
 no matter how good it is, if it doesn't match what you want,
 you'll regret it..!!
I hope my post was of some help.
 Thank you for reading this long post ^_^

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@] 99만원이요...? 코수술비용치고 너무 저렴한게 아닐까싶은데요ㅜㅜ 게다가 매부리깎는건 일반 코수술보다 더 비싼편인데 ㅠㅠ 이벤트하는 병원은 생긴지 얼마 안된 병원일 확률이 높아요! 그래서 홍보차원으로 이벤트를 하는거거든요...! 잘 알아보시구 선택하세용...
superk**** 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
경거망동 하지마시고 꼭 좋은 선택하셨으면 좋겠습니다! 저는 ㅇㅈ이랑 ㅍㄹㅁㅇ 다녀왔는데 둘 다 조금 불안하네여
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@superk****] 감사합니다! 고민끝에 코수술했고 지금 7일차 입니다!! 아직 더 지켜봐야알겠지만 잘된거였으면 좋겠네용 ㅠㅠ
Rubinstein 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
근데 4번병원 귀족수술이란건 콧볼축소수술인가요?
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@Rubinstein] 상담당시에 듣기로는 쳐진콧볼을 절개해서 위로 당겨올려주면서 콧볼축소가 되는 수술이라고 했던것 같아요!! ㅎㅎ
밍밍잉끄꾸 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@밍밍잉끄꾸]  넵 좋은 하루 되세요^^
재재다미 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@재재다미] 넵 긴글 읽어주셔서 감사드려요!^^
현우양 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
병원 명좀 부탁드립니다!
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@현우양] 쪽지 드렸어요~!!
펭귄쓰 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
저도 어제 ㅇㄱㅈㅅ#에서 상담 받고 왔는데 원장님은 나쁘지 않았으나 마지막에 실장이 병원 어디어디 가볼거냐 묻고 제가 대답하니까 거기는 작은 병원이라 마취전문의 없다 몇달전에 전문의 없는 병원에서 코수술하던 대학생 사망한거 기억하시죠? 이렇게 겁을 주더라고요 ㅠㅠ
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@펭귄쓰] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ물론 마취전문의 없는곳에서 수술하면 절대 안되는건 맞지만... 거기는 타병원 까내리기가 좀 있더라구요 저도 약간 그랬어요ㅠㅠ
한비소라 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
*게시자가 삭제하였습니다.
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@한비소라] 쪽지 드렸습니다 ㅎㅎ
롤리롤리 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
병원명알수있을까요 ?
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@롤리롤리] 쪽지 드렸어요^^
지니어스뽀동 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
저두 코재수술 알아보고 있는데 병원정보 알수있을까요~?ㅜㅜ
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@지니어스뽀동] 쪽지 보냈습니다 ㅎㅎ
엔젤의동시 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
님 자연스럽게 잘되셨길 바래요~
보형물 거부감들지만 매부리는 실리콘 얇게라도 안깔면
울퉁불퉁하고 매부리끼가 완벽히 제거안된다고 하더라구요 ㅠ
고급주택 어딘지 알수있을까여 ?
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@엔젤의동시] 그래서 저도 결국 실리콘 깔았습니다 ㅠㅠ 쪽지 드렸어용 ㅎㅎ
율사 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
좋은 후기 감사합니다. 저도 병원 알아보고 잇는데 정보좀 부탁드려요^^
세번째라 너무 헷갈리네요...ㅜㅜ
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@] 익명으로 댓 달아주셔서 쪽지 전송이 안됩니다ㅜㅜ 다시 댓글 달아주세용~~
규이인 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
저도 재수술생각중이라 정보좀요ㅠㅠ
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@규이인] 쪽지 드렸어요!! 재수술 잘 되시길 바랍니다!ㅎㅎㅎ
minaaa 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
저도 많이 상담받아볼걸그랬어요 ㅜ
ㅁㅇㅈ Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
[@minaaa] 저도 많이는 못다녔어요ㅜㅠ 몇군데나 발품 파셨나요??
닉네임뭐딱히할거없는… 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
저도 1.2 4 이름좀 알려주세요ㅠㅠ
꺅Qwer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
초성 쪽지 부탁드려도 될까요.!!!!! 감사합니다!!
하리령 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
4번 이름 알수있을까요??
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1 Hours ago
Facialbone job - 새김성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 69 Like 0
솔직히 윤곽이 하루아침에 뚝딱 완성되는 그런 가벼운 수술도 아니고... 나중에 후회 없게 수술하자 싶어서 병원은 진짜 꽤 많이 돌아다녀봤다 자부하는데 병원마다 1종,2종,3종 말이 다 다르더라구 근데 병원마다 기본적으로 다 광대는 이야기 하던 케이스 ㅇㅇ 나는 솔직히 대형/개인 상관 없던 사람인데 다녀보면서 아 여기는 성의도 없고 진짜 공장식이다 하는 곳은 고민도 안 하고 바로 리스트에서 제외시켰고 최대한 원장님 경력도 오래된 곳, 원장…
1 Hours ago
Nose job - 디데이성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 75 Like 0
오랜만에 돌아온 코성형 후기 ㅋㅋ 월루하다가 갑자기 성예사앱이 눈에 띄길래 접속 히히.. 인스타에 예쁜언니들은 다 얄쌍하고 세련된 코더라구요? 저도 고민만 하다가 안되겠다 싶은 마음에 발품 먼저 팔아봤어요 ㅋㅋ 여윽시 ㅜ.. 고민될땐 뭐다 ? 고 ! 첨엔 조금 과한가? 싶을정도였는데 그게 다 붓기더라구요 ㅋㅋ 시간 지나면서 붓기빠지니까 과교정같아 보이던 치솟은 코끝도 살~ 내려앉아서 지금은 딱 자려한 동글오똑한 코끝이에요 제가 봐도 놀라운.…
1 Hours ago