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After removing my nose a month after surgery...it's really hard.

코코노블 2011-11-20 (일) 11:27 12 Years ago 5661
I'm posting again today... I'm so frustrated... I couldn't sleep well in the early morning, so I woke up early in the morning and went to and from the temple... Today is the 4th day since I had my nose silicone + ear cartilage + cartilage bundles removed... I changed my nose bridge because I had a hooked nose. ..ㅠ The photo on the left at the top is my nose before plastic surgery.. Just looking at that photo makes me cry..ㅠㅠ The one on the right was taken after plastic surgery.. 3mm of silicone was put in.. At first, it was so high that I cried and asked for it to be removed. It was crazy... I didn't remove it because of the inflammation. I was just psychologically very anxious, my skin was thin, but it felt like I had an 11-character silicone stain, and it was too artificial and I couldn't get used to the changed impression, so I had it removed because I wanted to go back to Zeco. You can see the second picture below... It's a picture taken today (after removal...) I'm dying... I didn't think I'd come back to Djeko right after it was removed... It was the same at Seongyesa and the hospital... I'll take that into account. ..But the bridge of my nose has disappeared much more than I thought.. If you touch the middle part, it is not noticeable.. It is completely straight. My aunt has a plump face, and from the side of her forehead to the bridge of her nose, it looks straight... The shape of my nose is completely different from how I felt before plastic surgery. I said I trimmed it a little, but it seems like I shaved it off very quickly. My face now resembles the bridge of my nose . There was a lot of swelling around my eyes, but if you touch it, you can feel it... It's completely straight... I cry every day. Today, my nose feels a little more shrunken. The tip of my nose is very solid. It looks like I still have ear cartilage. Only the bridge of my nose is missing, so the bridge and the tip of my nose are very angled. (If I touch it) I 'm so scared of what will happen to my nose as the swelling goes down. ㅠㅠ Oh, and the bridge of my nose. Maybe it's because I grinded it, but the skin on the bridge of my nose looks like it's slightly shriveled and cracked. I'm really scared. Did those of you who had it removed also have it removed and end up like me?? Please do me a favor, so please look at it and don't pass it by. Please reply. If anyone knows, please reply. I cry while looking in the mirror every day. When I look at it from the side, it doesn't turn 90 degrees. Only the tip of my nose is so high that it looks like a snub nose.. ㅠㅠ What should I do? I'll never return to Jeko. Is it true?? Is there no improvement?? I will have to live with the bridge of my nose completely lowered... ㅠㅠ I will never have surgery again.. The most important thing is that the bridge of my nose is gone and the tip of my nose is so high that it is hard and upturned... The bridge of my nose and the tip of my nose are so angled that it is so funny when I see it in person ㅠㅠ I am exhausted.. I don't know what I did in the past month. I went crazy and had nose surgery, and there was no inflammation, but I was anxious and scared, and it felt too high and artificial, so I had it removed, and in the end, my nose is now in this state. It's good to offer comfort, but... Those of you who have had your nose removed, please tell us your current condition and join us. Share... I'm desperate... I want to die. I shouldn't think like that... It's very difficult, I can't work... I've been stuck at home hurting for over a month... I wrote down my feelings without hesitation... Please reply one by one... For those who have had their noses removed... Management method/Massage method.../ When is the best time to use heat packs? Should I do it now?

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