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It's a matter of life. Please see where I can get the reoperation...I'll post it again.

꼭재수술하고만다 2010-07-05 (월) 21:10 14 Years ago 3224
I've posted this once before, but there's someone here who did it ㅠ Please give me some advice. They say I need reoperation, but I haven't made up my mind yet ㅠㅠ I've had my nose redone several times and spent over a thousand dollars on it, and I've been to over 40 hospital consultations. I'm broadcasting to my friends in the entertainment industry or friends who have had a lot of plastic surgery. I only went to hospitals based on word of mouth, not through Internet information through my acquaintances. I've selected a few hospitals based on the information I've gathered over the past year, and I'll only write about consultations at the ones that are good. Out of 40, I've selected only 5 hospitals. Each university is either a master or one of the best hospitals in that university. I mainly went to hospitals. Chung-Ang University-Baeksam Yonsei University -Yunsam Catholic University-Osem Otolaryngology University of Ulsan-Jangsem First, Cheongdamㅇㄱㅇ(ㅣㄹ/ㅗㅇ/ㅣㄹ) I also went here through word of mouth . It is famous for reconstruction~~ They seem to be good at cosmetic surgery for upturned noses and reconstructed noses with ear cartilage ( I went to a consultation centering on reconstructive surgery rather than on making the nose look pretty . Teacher Baek was kind. He said Jaeko was a bit difficult. I decided to use ear cartilage support/silicon as a method. Actually, the shape is not restyled, but now is not the time to worry about this and that, so this place is also in the surgery rankings. Above all, I was drawn to it because it was famous in academic circles (the director of Lee x Plastic Surgery nearby told me about it) Consultation time: 30 minutes (Dr. Baek is in his mid-50s) Although he is somewhat older in terms of experience, the mid to late 40s is the prime time for a doctor. I was a little worried because of that. I went to Gangnam Station ㅇㅇㅇ (ㅕㅇ/ㅐㄴ/ㅕㅇ) through word of mouth for the second time, a graduate of Chung-Ang University. In fact , it seems to be more famous through word of mouth than through the Internet. As expected, the aesthetic sense is great... the proportions of the face are harmonious. It seemed like the nose was created with the overall balance of the face, including my lifestyle habits, in mind, and it was quite delicate. I liked the overall shape of the nose. In fact, the reason I'm more attracted to you is that the master of contouring is ㅂㅅㅁㅁ~ (Baek ㅅㅁSam) - He is a student who trained right under a retired rhinoplasty master (Shin Saem). He is the leading rhinoplasty expert in Korea (about 70 years old). )-Retired, he is the first person in Korea to perform an open incision in the 80s (Shin Sam). Sam Yoon is his student. I think he learned alar cartilage rearrangement and cleft lip surgery from him. I heard it directly from an acquaintance of mine who is a nurse at Severance Hospital's plastic surgery department. I checked it on the Internet and it's true... This person is also famous among doctors for his nose, so I was more attracted to him (I heard about it from my younger brother who is attending medical school at Hallym University). The method is silicone/nasal cartilage rearrangement/ear. Cartilage here is also ranked. Consultation time: 40 minutes. Teacher Yoon's age group (late 40s). Graduated from Yonsei University in Seoul. The third person, Cheongdamㅊㅇㅅ, I met this person through an acquaintance. I believed this person was also famous for his nose at the time, so I went there because he had experience. He figured things out quickly. Actually, I wasn't particularly attracted to him, but he felt like a father. Actually, I had been away from my dad for a long time, but somehow I felt like I was home.. There was no specific consultation. They didn't even show me a picture. He was older, maybe in his late 50s?? (I don't know which university this person is from, but I forgot to ask him ㅠㅠ) The fourth is Dr. Jang of Asan Hospital. This person is a person who is good at nose surgery rather than cosmetic surgery, and is mainly good at nasal septum deviation and functional parts inside the nose. I went there with high expectations, but they said they wouldn't perform the surgery.. ㅠㅠ Sadness... This person doesn't seem to be good at complex surgeries unless it's his first surgery... Fifth time, Cheongdamㅇㅁㅇㅍㅁ This person works at a research institute. In fact, he actually means a research institute, but it seems like the name of the hospital is just a research institute. I just came here after being introduced by a man around me. The director had a nice personality. He explained my nose and said it would be a bit difficult because it was a reoperation. He was very confident. As I was chatting with this person, who was also from Yonsei University, I had this feeling, “Will he really make my nose pretty?” The overall shape of the nose looks like it was just a greeting?? This person had great confidence in rearranging the alar cartilage. “Most hospitals do not do this, and because this surgical method is done with manual techniques rather than materials alone, it is done by a skilled doctor, and he said that there are only a few doctors who know how to perform this surgery. ” Apgujeong ㅇㅇㅎ (ㅇㅗㅇㅕㅇㅘㄴ) The consultation fee for Oh Sam, who has a sex artist, is a bit expensive ㅠ Still, I went there because this person is famous for costal cartilage reconstruction. The teacher looked fine, and the nose shape looked like a doll's nose. It was a bit expensive, but this person was recommended at KA University. Since this person is mostly represented by the nose, I visited him once and he said that he mainly uses costal cartilage to correct mouth opening using silicone, and because I was having a reoperation, he recommended costal cartilage. Still, he is a skilled and experienced teacher, so he is also ranked here. Surgical method Costal cartilage support - silicone The price is so high ㅜㅜ I've been to a lot of hospitals in the meantime, and this is Chusoorin Hospital. It's a matter of life. So many hospitals have been shut down again and again, so please give me some advice.ㅠㅠㅠ

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

은좌 14 Years ago 14 Years ago Address
세련되고파 14 Years ago 14 Years ago Address
꼭재수술하고만다 Writer 14 Years ago 14 Years ago Address
무한큐후 14 Years ago 14 Years ago Address
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아캉 14 Years ago 14 Years ago Address
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지나칠려다가 댓글 답니다...
신샘 제자 ㅇㅁ샘이랑 영앤ㅇ 샘 두분 모두 맞구요
개방형 절개 처음 시작한 신샘 은퇴전까지 관동대에서 교수로 계셨죠
지금도 계실지 모르겠는데 개방절개를 하는 이유는
비익연골 재배치를 확시하게 할수있다는 장점이에요
근데 요새 뭣도모르는 의사들이 그냥 연골만 묶는대도 개방해대서
여자 얼굴에 상처 남기죠...연골 묶기는 비개방으로도 가능해요
이쁘장한 코 얼굴이랑 턱끝 이마까지 모두 맞는
코를 원하신다면 옴므보단 영앤ㅇ이라 나아요
그림 그리는거 보면 딱 아실거에요 두샘의 차이를.
ㅇㅁ샘도 유명하시지만 전체적인 이쁜코 비순각 92도로 빼고 싶으면
영앤ㅇ 가세요 저는 여기서 수술 안했어요...
하지만 나중에 제가 다시 수술을 하게 된다면 영앤ㅇ에서 할 생각입니다.
윤샘만큼 안전하고 얼굴조화 생각해주시는분 없어요
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코 라인이 예뻐서 예약 걸고 방문했던 곳 실장-원장-실장 순서로 상담 진행되는데 나는 원장 상담 먼저 진행했음 뭔가 수술끝나고 바로 나온듯했음 의사상담은 포토샵으로 사진 보정해서 이런모양 나올거다~ 얘기해주고, 필요없는건 안해도된다고 확실하게 말해줌 근데 뭔가 상담에 실속이 없는 느낌이 들었음 실장 상담은 뭔가 내가 물어봐야 자세히 얘기해주는 듯한 느낌을 받았고 as 관련해서 물어봤는데 굳이 안해도될 필요없는 말을 덧붙여서 좀 읭?스러웠음 실장은 나름대로 친근하게 한다고 그러는거 같은데 말하는거때문에 묘하게 기분이 나쁜..? 비용은 나쁘지 않아서 예약 걸었는데 뭔가 나중에 수술후 관리나 일처리 부분에서 잘해줄거같다는 신뢰가 안생겨서 예약 취소함
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Nose job Cmt 0 View 34 Like 0
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