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Nose Reshaping Hospital

개망한 2024-09-06 (금) 17:09 13 Days ago 12036 [CODE : 83827]
- The hospital itself did blood tests and other things and took the cost of CT and everything else.
 - They said they would refund the consultation fee if I paid and had the surgery, but they didn't (I also forgot this)
 - When I went to other hospitals for consultation, they said I didn't need rhinitis and only had a deviated nasal septum? But here, they said I had to get rhinitis, nasal valve, and nasal septum correction and they said it was absolutely necessary (of course, each doctor's opinion may vary)
 - It's really expensive because it's bundled with functionality and cosmetics..
 - When I told them that the nasal valve insurance premium wasn't being paid, they said they would cooperate to get a refund as much as possible (In conclusion, I didn't get the nasal valve insurance premium ㅋㅋ The insurance premium comes from the insurance company and has nothing to do with the hospital cooperatingㅡㅡ)
 - Before making a deposit, I was trying to call my parents while sitting on the hospital sofa, but they insisted that if I came and gave them my card, they would pay the deposit and give me the card.
 - The doctor explained the structure of the nose in great detail during the consultation and was crazy talkative (if you look at reviews of Seongye Surgery, there are a lot of people who fell for the doctor's talkativeness)
 - If you search on Google, you'll find a blacklist - Not a plastic
 surgery specialist (so he knows a lot about the structure of the nose and he talks quickly)
 - His attitude changes strangely after the surgery. He tells me to wait in the hospital lobby after the surgery, but honestly, the surgery patient just has to say that the surgery went well and it's over. New consultations take 15-20 minutes, and after all the new consultations are done, he looks after the surgery patient at the end. I have to wait for tens of minutes after the surgery because I'm dying from exhaustion just to listen to that one word;
 - I went for a consultation before the surgery and explained in great detail about the nose I wanted, and he listened really well. But on the day of the surgery, when I tried to explain it again, he said he'd already heard enough and that it was okay to stop talking. F*ck.
 - Isn't the nose design also done during a consultation right before the surgery? Here, they designed it while I was asleep after anesthesia ㅋㅋ That's why my nose is tilted to one sideㅡㅡ
 - Everyone around me says it's weird (even my parents) but the doctor said it looks much more refined and pretty than before. If this is true, there's a huge aesthetic problem.
 - Saddle nose (because the septum is blown out)
 - Crooked nose (it seems like they didn't tie the cartilage correctly) When I asked about this, they said it was a problem with my nose. Everyone said that the shadow next to the bridge of my nose isn't crooked because there's a shadow (these are all excuses because I had another surgery at another hospital and it all improvedㅡㅡ)
 - There's something like a scar sticking out at the entrance to my nostrils. After looking into it, it was because the cartilage collapsed and was crooked. And it's on both sides.
If there's anyone who's going to this hospital, I want to hold onto them and stop them. Do your research before surgery! Go to a plastic surgeon!
+ Honestly, there are so many plastic surgery clinics, so I wonder if it's necessary to go to a place that's uncomfortable.. Don't end up like me after getting the surgery, and do some research before getting the surgery~ Do you want to blow a few hundred thousand won in deposit money and then have a problem later on and look into a second surgery, and waste several hundred thousand won and time? Even after saying this, there are comments like, "It shouldn't be this hospital, but it's not here?" I don't know.. If you like the ENT doctor that much, just do it~
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숨은안한곳찾기 11 Days ago 11 Days ago [CODE : 3F3C4] Address
우울증돋네 11 Days ago 11 Days ago [CODE : 2D289] Address
개망한 Writer 10 Days ago 10 Days ago [CODE : 83827] Address
우울증돋네 10 Days ago 10 Days ago [CODE : 2D289] Address
개망한 Writer 10 Days ago 10 Days ago [CODE : 83827] Address
우울증돋네 10 Days ago 10 Days ago [CODE : 2D289] Address
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