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끅끅 2024-08-10 (토) 14:06 1 Months ago 16082 [CODE : 3F361]
For God's sake, don't have surgery at a different hospital than yours.
First of all, I got swollen eyes and nose at the end of January of this year, and 5 days ago I got a clown.... I don't know about the clowns yet because of the swelling, and it's Jeong Byeong-wa because of the nose. Seriously,
no, it's in the same place as the eyes and nose. I received it and it went really well. I hear a lot of people say that my nose is pretty even though no one can recognize it.
 The problem is that I like flashy things, but the hospital director wanted natural looks.
I thought my eyes were pretty even before double eyelid surgery, so doing it this way will ruin my natural eyes. My mindset was, “Let’s not do it.” Even though the director and the hospital itself aren’t very famous, he was very good at performing eye surgery… He also does nose surgery, so he’ll ask me to do something extravagant. Let’s get it done in one go! I got it with this mindset... I got it for natural adhesion of the eyes, but it
 was a great success just like the original double eyelid... The nose was also good, of course, with a somewhat natural line.
 That made me even more stubborn. Both were good, but they said they would have rather just gotten the nose done somewhere else. ...
It's not that I don't like that hospital, but I made the wrong choice... What you're after is glamour, but what that hospital or director is pursuing is nature? It never comes out flashy..... Why didn't I know this? ㅜㅜㅜ
Really, I checked all the review photos carefully, and
if you look at the photos of the doctors' reviews at each hospital, most of the lines are similar, right? It seems to come out exactly that way, so I'm planning to have a nose surgery again next year. It's healed well, but I don't like it because it's not flashy...
 My nose was really boxy, but it's gotten really thin and pretty, so I'm giving it to kids who like natural noses. I really want to give my nose to you,
 it's so annoying~ It's not that I don't like my nose, I just stupidly could have gotten it separately, but I just got it that way and it only costs more for the reoperation ㅜㅜ
 It's important to look good, but it's also really important to choose a hospital before going for a consultation. Choose well, guys. ...
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