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Scar removal surgery review (Ham vs Good)

Eunsaemk 2023-09-17 (일) 08:55 11 Months ago 6141 [CODE : 4EAFF]

The scars on my face are so big and numerous. I spent about a thousand dollars just to remove the scar.
The scar between the eyebrows was so large that I ended up going to University Hospital - 1st treatment, Ham - 2nd treatment, and Good - 3rd treatment. The 1st and 2nd rounds around the left eye were done in Ham and the 3rd rounds were done in Gut. In the 1st -gut above the right eye. I also received counseling for the area around my eyes, and they told me not to do it, but I ended up doing it because I was really worried.

 Consultation: Short and... you're busy. Long, in-depth consultations are not
possible Tendency: Because there are a lot of patients, they emphasize the side effects first. The shape of the eyes may change. Sunken lines may appear. They are too cautious and try to lower expectations because they have many patients. If you have long breasts, you always do it in a W shape, but this... can make the length even longer. It feels like they want to only do scars that show 100% improvement after surgery and not scars that are a bit minor.
Surgery and management: He's good at suturing, but the redness was severe right after the surgery, probably because it was long. And managed only with taping for 3 months.

Hospital cleanliness: They moved to another hospital and it was good. It's neater and better.
In the operating room, they make it really hard to disinfect your face before surgery.
Price: It's expensive. Cm / 30 to 400,000 won
 Consultation: If you do it long and carefully. Tendency to answer in detail when you ask questions
: Since he's been doing it for so long, he says he can do things that people say he can't do. Since he is good at suturing, he asks that he do his best with basic taping. It was trustworthy and I felt like I could trust it and leave it to you.

Surgery and management: Make the surgery comfortable and suture well. Both of you are good at suturing, but after 2 months, I felt like my gut was less open. And starting one month later, Fraxel is recommended 3 times at monthly intervals.

Hospital cleanliness: The hospital is small and a bit old. In modern times, manual skills are important in this type of surgery.. Haha, I didn't really care.
Price: The director also said that it would have been more expensive if I did the w surgery, but he told me to try doing it in a straight line since it wouldn't be long. The basic cost starts from 600,000 won regardless of scar size. I had three scars removed... 1.8 million won, plus Fraxel costs of 80,000 won per session.

[University Hospital Chung-Ang University]: -_-
 Very bright. A dog ear appears (if the sutures are not aligned, it becomes bumpy). Can you see the third picture? Because of this quack, I had to make my eyebrows longer during the second surgery at Ham.

Number 1: Original scar
and Number 2: Appearance after the first surgery. Because of the dog ear, the scar became longer during the next scar removal. ㅠㅠ
No. 3 - No. 7: 4 years after the second surgery, immediately after the stitches were removed. You can see the force lines and they are getting wider, right? The sunken line got better with Fraxel at another hospital, so the sunken line was alleviated. So fortunately, the area was shortened during the third surgery.

No. 8-9: Immediately after removal of good stitches. Almost no redness. It's been 9 weeks now. I did the laser once.

 I did a lot of legwork and consulted at many hospitals, but in conclusion, I like Good better. I like the results too. You two are good at suturing. It's a solid line right after, but it starts to happen in the first or second month, right? But I made less money by doing it at the gut. I also like the fact that they made the scar shorter. They say the W is less noticeable, but my scar was getting longer... I was worried
about having the surgery done straight, and Dr. Good said he would do the surgery again if I didn't like it, so trust me. So I did it, and
 the second time I did it in Ham, I was 70% satisfied, and the third time I did it in Good, I was 100% satisfied. After 2 months, it's almost like this... I don't think it will get any further.

[Tip]: If you are about to have surgery...
1. Be sure to have the laser treatment right after surgery. Personally, I think I was able to get rid of the sunken lines because my regular dermatologist told me that I needed laser treatment. If you look at the reviews, you can see that the depression lines are all visible. It might cost less if you just tape it, but if you're still going to do it, get a proper laser treatment.
2. And Botox is a must for the eyebrows! Be sure to get Botox on other areas like your forehead.

3. And please don’t go to the dermatologist and get laser treatment to get rid of white scars or sunken scars. Don't use laser just because it's convenient. It's a waste of time and money. And the scar area becomes wider. I had laser treatment around my eyes, but the area became enlarged, so I had to have surgery three times. I have nothing to say… These are the people who really broke out at Chung-Ang University Hospital. The only solution for scars is surgical suturing. The purpose of laser is as additional treatment after surgery.

The long scar removal project is now complete. I had to wait another year for the redness to go away, but I think it was meaningful. Good luck to all of you who are worried about scars because you can remove a scar like that from the center of your face between the eyebrows like me!
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