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Side effects after tummy tuck (permgle)

아이고오 2024-06-12 (수) 03:52 3 Months ago 3400 [CODE : DDA22]

This is a perm post.
 There is no information other than that the hospital is similar to the name of BTS and that it is located in Samseong-dong.
 How good is it? I am sharing this to spread the word.

Hello, I am a mother of two children and a 45-year-old woman. I am currently suffering from the side effects of plastic surgery.
 On April 23, I had an abdominal lift + west anatomical lift + thigh sculpting (liposuction) surgery that took 7 and a half hours at a plastic surgery clinic in Samseong-dong.
The condition of my abdomen was very bad, so I started posting on a plastic surgery cafe, and the hospital kept requesting the post to be deleted under the pretext of defamation, so the post has been deleted. They also sent me a certificate of contents saying that they were going to sue me for defamation and claim damages (cancellation of surgery reservation, etc.) through that post.
I am suffering from side effects after undergoing surgery at that hospital. It is truly absurd that they are suing me as a patient, so I am writing this for the public interest to prevent other victims like me.
The initial consonant name of the hospital was never mentioned anywhere in my article.
 I only recorded what I experienced and did not write to slander others.
This is a long post, as it has been 40 days since the surgery, but I would really appreciate it if you read to the end.

I am a citizen of the Republic of Korea and my residence is in the United States. I came to Korea on April 19th, and on April 23rd, I underwent abdominal lift + west abdomen lifting + thigh sculpting (liposuction) at a plastic surgery clinic in Samseong-dong, which took 7 and a half hours. And I was supposed to return to the US on May 19th.
 After the surgery, I went to the hospital every day to get a dressing, and since it was a public holiday for two days from May 5th to May 6th, I was told that I had to do my own dressing, so I got to see my abdomen in detail for the first time. I didn't know what to do, so I texted the hospital, but since it was a public holiday, I didn't get a response, so I took a photo and inquired at a plastic surgery cafe. My stomach was in such bad shape that I was vomiting. Many cafe members died of necrosis! Necrosis! Necrosis! He shouted and told me to quickly go to a large university hospital.
 I feel like this is a really big problem for me because everyone who left comments said that it was necrosis and should be treated at a big hospital as soon as possible... . I had a hunch.
On May 7th, while I was dressing, the director came in and looked at the necrosis in my abdomen. He said it was because of poor blood circulation and that it would improve quickly if I used a blood stimulant that improves blood circulation. I was scared and angry, so I asked the director. Is this necrosis or a blister? When I asked, he was confused... .. " yes… My flesh is dying... “Then I asked if it was necrosis. " yes… It’s necrosis… .“ At that time, I cried and argued. Didn’t I ask several times… Is it necrosis or blisters? . Why did I wait for my flesh to die without doing anything until it became necrotic? .
 As I was so sad, the director and manager of the hospital came to me and asked me to take down the cafe post... . They threaten to charge me compensation if I don't take it down. I was so angry when I saw that the hospital was more focused on posting posts at the cafe than on me, the patient. For 5 hours, 4 department heads/managers come and take turns talking together. After being threatened, I became even more angry and left the cafe post for about 5 days. Then, a manager treated me kindly, which made me feel a little relieved and I took the post down. After I posted this, instead of being kind, I started to become shameless. They made me wait here and there and started going in circles. So the first post was deleted.
First of all, I decided that I had to go to a big hospital... I went to the emergency room at Samsung Medical Center on May 9th, but they told me to go back as it was not an emergency. I requested outpatient dermatology treatment to see if it was possible, but since this is a tertiary hospital, I was told that treatment would be possible only after receiving a medical opinion from the doctor in charge, so I returned to my accommodation with a devastated heart. ah! You can't go to any university hospital without a medical opinion... After realizing this, I went straight to the hospital. I asked the director to prepare the surgery report and opinion, but it took more than 10 days to receive the requested documents... .
 I kept requesting documents, but what the managers say every day is, I'll check, but it's repeated... . I kept putting off answering. I couldn't go to any hospital without a medical opinion, so I had no choice but to continue receiving treatment at that hospital.
As May 19th, the date I was scheduled to return to the United States, passed, my expenses for staying in Korea ran out and staying in Korea became increasingly burdensome. The hospital said I live in the U.S. and will be returning on May 19th, so I'll be there on my own... . It seems like he was just wasting time. I couldn't return to the United States in my physical condition. My whole body became stiff due to the side effects of the surgery, so I couldn't even ride a plane for 14 hours.
One of the managers there kept asking… He pretends to comfort me as if he feels sorry for me... .But have you booked the flight? I guess they were very curious about whether I was going back to America or not.
 On May 21st, the opinion was finally issued. During my consultation, the doctor at the university hospital said that damage had already occurred inside my abdomen, causing blisters to form on the outside. That's why they say it's impossible to treat blisters that come up due to problems from the inside.
 However, at the hospital where I had the surgery, my body had poor blood circulation… . I said it was because I got chafed while walking and that it was my fault that the blisters appeared.

I was afraid of undergoing surgery after hearing at other large hospitals that it would take at least 2-3 months and that surgery would require hospitalization, so I made an appointment with the plastic surgeon who performed the surgery to discuss my future treatment. There was no call even after the appointment time, so I went to the hospital and found that all the lights were off, everyone had left work, and Manager Han was just about to leave work. When I asked what happened, they said they all left work because I didn't answer the phone. There was no phone call or even a text message. You're lying when you say you called me. I asked them to take down the cafe post, so I took it down, but now it's a hospital appointment and everything, and they just closed the place and left without contacting me. It's like being blown by the wind... ㅠ
Wow… .. How can someone act so outside of common sense? This is the first time in my life that something like this has never happened. Even if I get the surgery okay, I'll be upset if they close the door and leave. How can they do this to me, who has suffered necrosis and can't return to my family... .
I was so angry that I started posting words and pictures of my current state on the cafe again. Since the 30th day, I have been leaving a diary-like post on the plastic surgery cafe “Yeowooya.” There is also a place on Bobby Talk where people write about the side effects of plastic surgery, so I left a picture and a post. All of my posts are being suspended because the hospital found out that I had posted them and asked Naver to delete them on the grounds that they are defaming me every day. Even though it gets deleted every day, I am posting and plan to post every day. I am being sued by the hospital for defamation because of what I posted. I have never slandered the hospital or spread false information in my post. I only posted the facts of my experience. Many people asked me to message them where the hospital was, but I did not respond to comments or messages because I was afraid that those who left messages would also sue me for defamation. I have never given it to you.
According to the proof of contents, it is assumed that I informed others of the name of the hospital through a note... It said that all of the surgery reservations for the reason were canceled and that they would seek compensation for defamation/damages due to the cancellation of the surgery.
I think many people are suffering from similar side effects after surgery at that hospital like me. Several other people also posted similar posts, but they were later taken down. The hospital monitors cafe posts, and if there are posts or comments like this, the hospital takes them down saying they will sue for defamation… It seems like he does. It seems like they are chasing me even if I just leave a comment. So, I couldn't find any bad posts about this hospital on plastic surgery cafes. So, after seeing only good things about the hospital at the cafe, they decided that it was a good hospital and came to have the surgery. I also thought that way and came and had the surgery... . ㅠㅠ
 I am writing this in the public interest to understand how this hospital works and to prevent any more victims like me.

The hospital started threatening me again by sending me a proof of contents asking me to take down the post again.

I requested a refund of the surgery fee and compensation for my stay, but the hospital told me to go to another hospital as it would be transferred to the Medical Injury Compensation Association. They say they will pay the surgery fee/alimony/compensation for loss of business there. However, what I don't understand about this mutual aid association system is that if the patient first pays the surgery fee to the hospital and submits the receipt to the mutual aid association, they then review the percentage of the doctor's negligence and receive compensation equal to the percentage of the negligence. There is nothing in the agreement that says 100% compensation for surgery costs. All the hospitals I went to said I would have to have surgery over a long period of time, and since the surgery is not covered by health insurance, the cost ranges from tens of millions to 100 million won. I can't afford to pay for this surgery.
Currently, it has been nearly 40 days since surgery, and my body is still not improving.
 As the necrotic area and the incision line widen, they become wider every time I walk, causing very severe pain. As you can see in the picture, the gaping part is where the necrotic part meets, so I don't think it will be possible to sew it up.
 Yesterday, it seemed like there was fluid coming out of my belly button, so I'll have to wait and see...
 I started to wonder if this sculpting technique was a proven surgery.
 Maybe it's because of the sculpting technique, but I can't feel my abdomen and it's so hard that it feels like I'm touching the fat part of raw pork belly... . The area where the lymphatic circulation in my thighs and the area where my rectus abdominis muscle is tied feels like the burnt flesh is being torn apart, and it's really painful as if the flesh is being torn apart every time I wake up. I still can't stand 100% straight. If I force myself to stand, I feel the pain of the injured area being torn open again and the burned flesh being torn apart, so my posture is hunched over.
 My thighs feel hot... Itchy... I want to cover myself with a blanket and sleep well, but it's so hot that I can't sleep well.
My two 8-year-old children are crying every day, asking when their mother will come home, but I feel indescribably sad and angry at not being able to return and putting it off for a week.
 After learning about my situation, my husband said he would come to Korea with her children. I'm finally meeting my children, but how can I go to a big hospital, get hospitalized, and have surgery? ㅠㅠ
 I really want to meet my children, touch them, hug them, and sleep with them. You're at an age where you really need mom's help, and I'm so sorry that I can't be there for you right now... . I'm really angry at my helpless situation... I persuaded my husband for 7 years to have this amazing surgery, but the results were terrible. My friends and acquaintances in the U.S. were so jealous that I was going to Korea... . I also came to Korea with such excitement that I never dreamed that I would encounter such trouble.

As I posted every day like this, there were people who continued to subscribe to my posts and felt the same pain as me. And since I heard that this should be widely known through various media, I am gathering the courage to post this.
These days, even when I stay still, I can't stop crying. This truly absurd situation makes me sad, angry, painful, depressed, suffocating, and heartbreaking. I don't think I've ever experienced something so unfair and resentful in my 45 years of life.
really! I requested my surgery report and chart, and they said it would take at least 3 days to be issued, but I received it in 10 days, and on May 7th, it was acknowledged as necrosis, but it was not even recorded as necrosis on the chart. In addition, I requested a medical opinion in order to receive treatment at another hospital, but the medical opinion did not even say necrosis, but instead said it was a blister.
 Also, this is my first time seeing a medical referral (opinion) like this.
[The above patient was a patient who underwent abdominal lift surgery (abdominoplasty) at our hospital on April 23, 2024. After surgery, partial blisters were observed in the front of the lower abdomen, so dressing and skin regeneration treatment were performed. I would like to request future treatment, but I ask that you please be kind to the patient.]
There is no mention of necrosis in the chart or treatment request form.
I started to wonder what happened during my 7 hour and 30 minute surgery at a one-man doctor hospital, so I asked the hospital to view the CCTV, but they only gave an ambiguous response, saying that CCTV filming was not mandatory and that they said there was CCTV and then said there was no CCTV. It's lined up.
My post on the cafe yesterday disappeared again today, and I am posting again today, 39 days after my surgery.
If there is a journalist or lawyer reading this, please do not just pass by and help... ..
 Every comment from everyone who commented on my post is very valuable and helpful. Thank you so much.

Thank you for reading this long post.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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코성형수술후기 - 피니쉬성형외과의원 Cmt 4 View 133 Like 0
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1 Hours ago
윤곽/FACE수술후… - 새김성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 94 Like 0
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1 Hours ago