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1st year review of nose donor dermis

무마가 2024-03-25 (월) 08:29 5 Months ago 5039 [CODE : 1B43F]
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코 성형 전

<코 성형 전>

<Unmarked ver.><ver. with mark><Before nose surgery>Hello everyone!!
 Next week is the one year anniversary of my fake nose, so I brought a 12 month review!! I posted a post asking questions the other day, and I also brought answers to the comments! Haha
1. My previous nose
 - The area between the eyebrows is off, so it has a slightly hooked nose and the columella is not protruding! It was stressful for me to be a little bit hooked. The front wasn't bad, but I didn't like the sides.
2. Surgery I did
 - Trim the beak a little, put 4mm of donated dermis on the bridge of the nose with Megaderm, raise the tip of the nose a little with ear cartilage and lower it to make the columella slightly visible! I asked for the tip of my nose to be round, so it’s naturally round!
3. Criteria for choosing a hospital + Personal reason for choosing donated dermis
 - The hospital I went to was not a hospital famous for donated dermis, but a hospital famous for reoperations! I looked around a lot at Sungyesa and tried out about 5 places, but in general, I chose a place that was famous for reoperation hospitals, and the reason for that was that I thought reoperations would be more difficult, and I thought they would be that skilled. And I think you'll focus more on safety! But since I only went to famous places, it was a bit expensive... haha, thank you mom and dad... haha
 ​​- Many people usually recommend silicone for the first surgery, and I think the director of this hospital also said the same! I tried to find two places, but one said that the first surgery would only be done with silicone and refused to do it with donated dermis. In fact, I think they did it because silicone can theoretically be worn without any problems if the surgery goes well, and its shape is predictable, so it has great cosmetic advantages. However, in my case, safety was more important than beauty, so I chose a place that would provide my first treatment with donated dermis. When I found out that it was also used in male penis enlargement surgery, I guess it must be safe. I think I did it...lol
-> Silicone: Definitely pretty with no errors. Sleek nose. + Safety is unpredictable
 -> Donor dermis: Unpredictable beauty due to uneven absorption. + Relatively high safety (I'm not sure if it's safe)
  In my case, I heard that even if there was uneven absorption, there wouldn't be a very significant difference, and I think it might be more natural than a very smooth nose, so it might not look like I had plastic surgery. It wasn't bad. And even if it is completely absorbed and disappears, the hooked beak will be shaved off and removed, so even if it disappears completely, I thought I would be satisfied with the hooked beak disappearing for now. So choose donated dermis!
   Well, my friend had surgery with silicone, but afterwards, he got really stressed every time he got a pimple on his nose..!! I think they said that if you pop a pimple incorrectly and it bursts inside, you'll be in big trouble (I'm not sure)... I asked the doctor and he said it's okay, so I just pop the pimple well!!
4. Donor dermis absorption and spread. Whether or not it is absorbed evenly. (Refer to the attached photo)
 - There seems to be a ghost story about the donated dermis spreading sideways, but in my case it didn't spread!! Rather than spreading, it just got absorbed and disappeared..! When I went to the hospital for a check-up around the 3rd month, the doctor touched me and said that part 1 was still there, but part 2 was almost gone. They say that donor dermis is absorbed better if the skin is thinner!
   Now that it's been 12 months since I touched it, I can only feel the bone in number 2, as if it's completely gone, and in number 1, it feels like I can feel a little bit of something left. This was a case where I wanted to raise my eyebrows, so in the end, I think it's good to have only number 1 left! However, if you don’t want your nose shape to change, you should choose silicone! Comparing the photos, it seems like absorption stopped after 4-5 months! There isn't much of a difference compared to now haha.
   Also, since the absorption is different for each part, if you look closely, it feels uneven, but I liked this part because it felt like a real nose and not a fake nose. It felt more natural..?! In fact, it doesn't stand out too much, and it doesn't look like a hooked beak again! Hahaha
Oh, and I think the most important point of nose surgery for women is the tip of the nose!!! Originally, I was only going to fill in the eyebrows with donated dermis, but I regretted it if the teacher didn't tell me to do the tip of my nose. Really... I really want to have rhinoplasty among other people, but if it's too expensive to put in donated dermis or silicone, I think I could just do the tip of my nose. If the tip of your nose is pretty, your whole nose will look pretty!! I don't regret having donated dermis because I had some left over between my eyebrows, but considering the cost-effectiveness alone, I thought it would have been enough to just use the tip of my nose!
5. Inflammation?
  There was no inflammation at all! Hahaha
6. How many months have you felt that the overcorrection was disappearing?
 - Hmm.. I think I started to like my face for about 3 months!! Before that, I felt like it was too high, and it was really stressful to look a little male, and it seemed like I was missing the metallurgy. After about 3 months, I no longer felt like I was a man when I took selfies, and things like opening my mouth and smiling became natural!! From 4 months onwards, the male image completely disappeared! When I look at the picture, I can't see much of a difference between 4-5 months ago and now! I think I've been maintaining it for about 4-5 months! haha ​​Now the muscles and skin around there look more natural!
   Don't ever be sad because it's ruined. Everyone, please wait for 6 months if it's too long, or 3 months if it's really short!!!
7. Disadvantages felt after nose surgery
- I used ear cartilage to raise the tip of my nose, but my ears have been bothering me and throbbing for a longer time than I thought. It seems like 6 months have passed! The nose wasn't like that, but the ears were like that. If you touch the ears with the cartilage removed, they are a bit thin and flutter a bit, should I say?
 - I had surgery to pull the columella down, and perhaps because the skin inside the nose was pulled outward, the nose hairs came out together!!!! I was a person who didn't know how to trim my nose hair, but I ended up getting my nose hair trimmed
 - of course, it doesn't work on a pig's nose!! ^.^ But there’s nothing to do
 - if you don’t take care of your scars properly, they will remain!! I had surgery through an incision, but they didn't apply ointment well... Maybe it's because my skin is prone to getting scars... I'm left with a scar haha. But actually, it's not that noticeable even when I'm bare-faced, and when I put on that mascara, I think "Oh,,," and apply it. You can see it if you make an expression like pulling the biju down. Everyone apply the ointment well^^..
 - Maybe because you turn your nose over and open it, the skin around it stretches,,! In other words, the pores are all enlarged!!! ㅠ0ㅠ The pores in the butterfly zone weren't that bad, but one day I looked and saw that all of my pores were enlarged...! As I continued to take care of it, it started to shrink again, but kids, please really take good care of your butterfly zone skin. I alternately apply [Vitamin C -> Niacinamide -> Hyaluronic acid] and [Retinol -> Panthenol -> Centella asiatica extract] every other day. Please apply retinol and vitamin C to reduce enlarged pores ㅠㅠ
8. I had nose surgery, can I do something like this?! Things I did (but I'm worried, so let's do it after 6 months)
 - Can ride airplanes/rollo coasters/waves
 - Can blow my nose
 - Can blow my nose vigorously (can also twist it left and right)
 - Can bump my nose
 - Can wear glasses... Teacher's glasses You said you can use it comfortably!! However, I was worried that the donated dermis would be absorbed into the marks of the glasses, so I bought and used doctor's nose glasses
 - a nose pack to remove blackheads! However, if you do this, your pores will expand, so people who are worried about blackheads should slightly dissolve the blackheads with something like jojoba oil and wash them by gently rubbing with a mildly alkaline cleansing foam!!
9. What I just want to ask you after rhinoplasty.
 - Don’t bother telling your friends or anyone else! Having a nose job isn't a bad thing, and it's nothing to be ashamed of, but Korea is a country with a lot of lookism, and some people will definitely treat your plastic surgery as a weakness. Since you see your face every day, you may notice a big change in your nose and think that other people will notice, but in reality, they won't know unless you tell them. Of course, everyone is curious and asks what has changed, but they don't think I had a nose job. If I don't tell them in advance, hahaha... Rather than a big change in my image due to the nose job, they say, 'Huh? I think it's just like, 'I'm a little prettier, but what is it?' Even though I told my trusted friends, some of them even treated my rhinoplasty as a weakness. Also, I only had rhinoplasty, but I might get asked if I had it done anywhere else too lol... Unless someone directly asks me if I had rhinoplasty done, just don't bother to say it first. If you ask what needs to be done, let's just say something like makeup. Hoheung.. There are so many mean people in this world. I 'm writing this because I regret what I went through.
If you have any other questions, please read my previous posts or leave a comment! Haha I wrote these posts when they were more vivid, so they might be of more help haha. Oh, by the way, if you recommend a hospital, I'll give it to you, but beauty standards are all there. Since everyone is different and pursues different things, I think it will be Sabasa..!! Actually, if I had thought about silicone as the first treatment, I would have gone to another hospital instead of this one, because other hospitals said they would wake you up in the middle of the surgery and check it yourself to see if you like it!!! I hope you each think about it in many ways!! Haha. Also, the trend may have changed a bit in the year since I had the surgery, and I don't know how it may have changed, so I hope you think about it yourself!! Haha.
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