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In this case, I have to have three nose surgeries.

잘하다잘하자 2024-05-27 (월) 15:38 3 Months ago 805 [CODE : 24D80]
-Maternal nose: Just a completely low nose with no bridge at all
 -First nose: Made with ear cartilage + silicone 10 years ago. I'm happy that I have a nice nose, but it's definitely not a tall and pretty nose, it's just average. The tip of the nose is still blunt and boxy. Here, the silicone was slightly bent and there was an error showing the silicone starting point.
 - Re-operation: Re-operation due to repeated surgery. The silicone is warped and shines better. The problem is that the tip of the nose is slightly higher, but it is still blunt, and the bridge of the nose is not raised at all. (=Same as the first time)
The biggest problem with my previous nose was the blunt tip, and personally, I wanted the bridge of my nose to be a little higher because my face was sagging in the middle of my face.
 (For reference, I went to more than 10 plastic surgery consultations, and the doctors asked me about the bridge of my nose. It was almost 6:4. The bridge of the nose needs to be raised6 vs. It's still not bad4)
It's the second week since I took the exam again, so there are no functional problems yet.
 Other than the stiffness from the ribs, there is no inflammation at all, and with the septum lengthening surgery, I can breathe easily.
 As for the double nose correction part... I don't know at all right now (ㅜㅜ), but I think it could become a little thinner as the swelling goes down further.
But... I wish I had become more three-dimensionally pretty when I took the test again, but the bridge of my nose is the same height as the first time. The tip of my nose is also disappointing...
 It's good that the disadvantages of the silicone curve and reflection are gone, but it wasn't that serious of a disadvantage...
 I decided to have revision nose surgery anyway because I wanted to make it higher, so I lay down on the operating table, but it only got harder and the three-dimensional effect itself was the same as before. Feeling ㅜㅜ
The tip of the nose has risen a bit, but it's still too blunt... Assuming it goes down further as the swelling goes down, I don't think there will be much difference from before. ㅜㅜ
My greed is to raise the bridge of the nose with AS a bit more silicone and add more correction to the tip of the nose.
But... the nose is an area with severe side effects, and the reason I lived for 10 years after the first surgery was because I was satisfied that the surgery was successful and safe.
I'm so worried that if I open it too often, it'll be difficult to breathe or cause inflammatory side effects...
 But I also feel regretful...
Do you think I'll have to do it three times in this case? Or should I just be moderately satisfied and stop looking in the mirror....

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
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[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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잘하다잘하자 Writer 3 Months ago 3 Months ago [CODE : 24D80] Address
히요잇 3 Months ago 3 Months ago [CODE : 33BFC] Address
소콩이 3 Months ago 3 Months ago [CODE : 4EB54] Address
잘하다잘하자 Writer 3 Months ago 3 Months ago [CODE : 24D80] Address
내콧대애 3 Months ago 3 Months ago [CODE : 70C87] Address
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