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Why you need to filter out large hospitals first!

김안목 2024-02-22 (목) 09:20 6 Months ago 14808 [CODE : 30F6B]
1. Think carefully about the hospitals that advertise heavily on YouTube.
 If they introduce good surgeries and do well,
 there are many hospitals that are behind on surgeries for months even if they do not advertise so provocatively. If they are truly talented, there is no need to advertise too hard, but hospitals that advertise too provocatively should be filtered out..
2 . Hospitals that mechanically recommend fast surgery
 are expensive, but hospitals that recommend surgery that can be completed quickly are filtered out and hospitals that are focused on immediate profit are mechanically responding and giving answers rather than focusing entirely on me and helping me choose the right one for my condition.
3. Public Relations Team The PR team for hospital advertising is at the level of a large company
 . If there are any side effects or bad reviews about surgery, we respond immediately.

 The magic that the price is over 500 at first, but if you do something, it suddenly drops to 250.
Everyone continues to recommend additional surgeries or procedures. They emphasized that additional surgery can be reduced to half the price even though you don't even have to think about it.
You must keep your mind straight 
 Beware of paydocs who act as substitute doctors for ghost surgery. In large hospitals, everyone except the representative director is a paydoctor. The representative director is not good at performing surgeries, but the advertisement is
 like the owner of the representative director and focuses heavily on my safety, health, and whether I am okay after the surgery. There are many cases where it disappears without treatment.
Isn't this the same as a salaried employee not working with the company owner?
Most of them have low experience and work under another director, but after a few years, they go out to open their own hospital.
 Even if you get filler or botox that costs less than 100,000 won, the experience of the director is not important or you can even face necrosis side effects.
6. Aftercare
 Hospitals often advertise facial contouring, double jaw surgery, and breast surgery. For major surgeries such as surgery and full-body liposuction, it is important to have a director with a lot of professional experience. It is also good to go to a place where the representative director runs the operation himself and is responsible for consultation and surgery follow-up care, so he can at least check the progress every time you go.
7. There are hospitals that keep having accidents and problems with
their legal teams,
 and you often see posts saying that their legal teams are scary. Pay Doctor is completely missing. They said they would contact the legal team. We can never win
 I saw a post recently saying that when my boyfriend asked to see the CCTV, he refused to show it because he was a family member.
There is no reason why you can't show it if you are confident.
 There are pros and cons to both large and single people, but let's check these points even if you are in a large group!!
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걸어놓고 바빠서 병원에있는날이없뜸ㅋㅋ
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코수술은 다른 수술에 비해 재수술이 높은거 같아서 알아볼때 정말 많이 신중하게 본거 같아요 . 그렇게 해서 디데이에 상담을 갔고 개인병원이라서 그런지 몰라도 원장님께서 정말 저 한명한테 집중하고 신경을 많이 써준다는게 느껴졌어요 . 코수술시 사용해야하는 재료도 어떤걸로 해야할지, 모양을 어떻게 잡으면 좋을지 갈등이 많았는데 추성철원장님께서 제가 원하는 느낌에 맞춰 코디자인부터 어떤 재료를 사용하는게 좋을지 꼼꼼히 설명을 해주셔서 이해도 쉽게 할 수 있어 좋았어요 . 그렇게해서 비중격에 귀연골로 수술받았고 개선하고 싶었던 부분 개선도 하고 자연스럽게 코가 자리를 잘 잡아서 마음에 들어요 ~
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