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ㅈㅇㅈㅇ(ㅏㅕㅜㅢ) First nose 2nd week review

슈찌 2024-02-10 (토) 22:55 6 Months ago 2388 [CODE : 46750]
First of all, I have a slightly protruding mouth, but you can't tell from the front, but before the surgery, if you look at it from the side, the columella is very recessed, so it looks much better. This is my biggest complex. That's why I really wanted to have a nose surgery. I was so scared that I just worried and couldn't do anything. But this time, I was so excited about something that I just screamed. I didn't go to many consultations, maybe about 5 places. But they all say the same thing hahaha Ear cartilage + rib (whether autologous or donated) + silicone,, first of all, I have a nasolabial angle? I mainly consulted with the director who said he was good at adjusting the lines,, except for one area, the price was between 450 and 590,, he said I had to have noble plastic surgery for only one area lol, called 880,, in conclusion, I did it at ㅈㅇㅈㅇ,, but the one who had a very special counseling skill was It wasn't, but I was attracted to the fact that he confidently said that he would do it naturally. Of course, like other places, he didn't take pictures of the city or anything like that, but he was famous for being good at handling his problems. What's more, I don't have time, but the reservation for the same day suddenly became empty. So I got a consultation on the same day and laid down.
Two weeks later, the good thing is
 - everyone is praising my nose for being pretty,, I met all my relatives today and they kept praising me and asking me if my nose was always this pretty lol. I think it's so natural. Because I wanted it, I really like it, even considering that it is a little lower than now and the tip of my nose falls.
 The material is ear cartilage + donor rib + silicone 3.5mm for the tip of the nose? I'm going to go in. First of all, I worked in the field related to donation materials (donor cells, donor cartilage processing, etc.), so I had no aversion to donated materials, so I coolly decided to go with donated ribs. And, more than anything, my friend used his own ribs. I was scared to write because I could sense that there was severe inflammation on the ribs,,,of course, I thought this was probably the fault of those over 70,,ㅎ The protruding mouth fits the nasolabial angle line so well that it is not noticeable, and there is a line running from the forehead to the mouth. It's so, so prettyㅠ I feel happy every time I look in the mirror,,haha, I feel happier every time other people tell me that I look pretty but I don't know what it is hahaha It's really natural! This thing haha. Well, I'm really satisfied with the aesthetics. Of course, it's still the 2nd week, so I have to see more. In fact, there are a lot of things to be careful about, and I can feel a foreign body. It's natural, but
now the downside is just as it appears in Seongyesa. Lim,,
 -Follow-up management is not good. They told me to pull out the cotton from my nose and ears at home. I was so shocked by this. I pulled out one side and it was so painful and painful that I called a nearby ENT clinic and cried and begged. The rule is not to touch something that someone else had surgery on. I was having a hard time, and they just did it because I often went to the hospital for ridiculous nose colds in the spring and fall, haha. So I ended up getting cotton, disinfection, and suction at an otolaryngology clinic near my house. Haha. This made me angry a lot, haha. And In the end, I couldn't remove the ear cotton, so I called the hospital to have it removed (they told me to cut the thread with scissors and remove the cotton, but it was very difficult to find the thread)
 . And there was someone there, whether it was Ganzo or a nurse, who only took care of the treatment. That person was a bit helpful. Rough, maybe I feel that way because I'm in pain, but there's a lack of sensitivity. Even when I took the splint off, it hurt so bad. It made my situation a little worse. Also, I understand that even when I got an antibiotic injection, I couldn't find the blood vessel, but I heard, "I guess I'll have to give the injection to find out." I was shocked hahaha. Well, in the end, it went well, and while I've been to the hospital a total of 4-5 times so far, I've met the director once. The director was kind. He looked at and touched various things and said that the surgery went well. He also explained how the surgery was performed. Please let me know, hehe.
Anyway, I'm just writing down what I felt. Other than that, I don't know if the manager is not that good or something like that. Because when I got home, my teeth hurt like crazy, and my nose wasn't even there lol. So I cried and said to the manager, I contacted him and he received it right away and told me everything on what to do. The manager is not just this person, but they are all Kebake, but this is my subjective review. I will come back again in a month :)

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
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