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Things I felt after my first nose job

예쁜코93 2024-02-08 (목) 16:29 5 Months ago 10946 [CODE : 88FDE]
Hello, I am a professional who pursues extreme naturalism (function/health + appearance), and I am taking my first nose job, and I would like to tell you what I felt after a week.
 I hope this will be helpful to those who have similar values ​​to mine. I'm also a bit of a plastic surgeon so I don't know much, so please leave a comment for more opinions.
 I won't say obvious things like, 'You should go to the doctor, not the hospital.'

1. The doctor performs surgery according to the patient’s preference.
 No matter how much you go to a doctor who likes your natural nose and ask them to make it sharp and fancy, it won't turn out as fancy as you want.
  Conversely, if you go to a doctor who thinks a fancy nose is pretty and ask them to make it look natural, it will come out fancy.
  Therefore, you will be highly satisfied if you look at the reviews, photos, etc., see if it matches the natural/artificial beauty you pursue, and find a doctor who can achieve the nose shape you want.
 This is the same in material selection. Even with the same nose, everyone has different opinions on materials, such as doctors who like ribs, doctors who prefer Gore-Tex, doctors who say everything is solved with the nasal septum, and doctors who say ear cartilage is also necessary. Patients also need the wisdom to be subjective and choose a doctor who uses materials they can sympathize with.

2. Find a doctor who looks at harmony with the ‘whole face’, not just the ‘nose’.
 In my case, I am a woman, and my nose bridge is high enough, but the problem was that the alar cartilage at the tip of my nose was slightly spread out, making the tip of my nose look distant. Seeing this, Dr. A suggested that the middle part of the face look longer due to the dropped nose tip, so raise the nasolabial angle slightly and raise the tip of the nose to make the nose look shorter than before. Dr. B suggested that the nose be made longer by focusing only on raising the nose.
  Also, regarding osteotomy, one doctor said that I should do an osteotomy because my nose bone is wide, while another doctor said that I should not do an osteotomy because it would make my face look wider. He also said that you should look at not only the bridge of the nose but also the harmony of shape with the tip of the nose.
 In this way, you need to find a doctor with an aesthetic sense who can look at your overall face and harmony, not just the 'nose' problem. Before making the final choice, it is important to consult in several places to gain a better understanding of your features and image.

3. Approach side effects as conservatively as possible.
 In my case, my nose didn't need much change, so fortunately the surgery ended with just tying the cartilage at the tip of my nose and placing ear cartilage on top. So, I was able to escape most of the expected side effects, but in the case of cases that require a lot of change, I need to find out to what extent I can handle it. Below are some common concerns about side effects and my personal opinions on them.
* Use of silicone - Side effects such as contracture, bending, see-through, foreign body sensation, inflammation, and puncture (minimized if done in a well-known place, but varies from person to person - if it were me, I would have used it as little as possible, laid it down as thinly as possible, or asked if they had a silicon micro-cutting machine)
 * Use of Gore-Tex - It is absorbed and lowered, difficult to remove due to adhesion to tissues (They say it is ok if done in a competent place - Personally, if it were me, I would have used Gore-Tex in a place with good skills. I think it is better than silicone)
 * Osteotomy - Attached in pairs, bones broken, Eye pain, narrowing of the respiratory tract, long-lasting bruising, etc. (Not recommended unless absolutely necessary due to hooked nose or too wide nose - There are a lot of Instagram goddesses with pointy noses these days, so I was tempted to do it too, but some people said there wasn't much of a difference since it was about 1mm anyway, so I didn't do it)
 * Use of donated ribs - They say that since it is obtained from an older body, it is deformed a lot and changes its shape a lot (If it were me, I probably wouldn't have used it. I would have rather used my own ribs... even if it was painful and expensive)
 * Use of autologous dermis - Absorbed (I didn't look into this much, but it is better than the first time There don't seem to be any major side effects other than lowering the nasal septum)
 * Use of nasal septum - Saddle nose, rhinitis, dry mucosa, columella bending, hard nose tip, etc. (At first, I thought nasal septum was the best material because it can be collected from inside the nose. But if you use too much of this, I was so surprised to hear that it lowered the nose... But most hospitals seem to use this. When raising the tip of the nose, the pillar must be strong so that the tip can go up well. Luckily, I didn't raise the tip much, so I didn't use it and was satisfied.)
 * Use of ear cartilage - This is also excessive. If you use it like this, it may stick out and become visible over time, but since it is a widely used material, it would be better to visit a doctor with at least 15 to 20 years of experience. The tip of the nose is supposed to come down by 1~2mm due to gravity, but it seems like that needs to be calculated and added appropriately.
 * Removal of thick skin at the tip of the nose (I don't know about this. If I had done it, would it have made me look thinner? But I tried not to touch it as much as possible)

4. Things I would like to say in closing
 : If you want to know whether the hospital you chose is Black, first search carefully and look for reviews, and if you still don't know, When I posted about what the hospital was like, the officials told me to leave a negative comment.
 There are so many things to consider when doing nose surgery, such as where to start putting silicone on the bridge of the nose (if you put it too far from between the eyebrows, it will cause a burn), how far in advance to put it in, and whether to remove the columella instead of silicone, such as Gore-Tex, autologous dermis, artificial ribs, autologous ribs, nasal septum, ear cartilage, etc. How to adjust the nasolabial angle, whether to make an osteotomy, to raise the wings of the nose, etc.
 If you work hard and go to consultations, you will find a place you like. I hope everyone succeeds on their first move and spends their lives with a pretty nose.

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