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Breast surgery failed..^^ This is the reality of plastic surgery

이번생엔꼭 2024-02-02 (금) 11:25 7 Months ago 12533 [CODE : 85251]
Is there a hospital that holds events for too cheap? There are too many patients for consultation or surgery and there are interpreters in the factory-type hospital? Consultation time is short? The director is in charge of most of it? Don't ever do that. Even if I live alone and have CCTV, I'll ignore it.
 I didn't have any money, so it was harsh, but I could ask for CCTV, so I thought, "Oh, no way," and gave me breast surgery at a cheap price... haha
 ​​It's been a long time, and now the upper bulge is severe and the upper band is severe. Even though I used it, it didn't go down at all, so in the end, I found out about the surgery to my parents and went with them to see the results, and they found out that the detachment of the breast area had occurred above the vagina.
 But they said that my skin was not sagging well and that they would do a reoperation to remove the detachment. But how can I trust them? ;;
 My parents' best friend is the director of a plastic surgery clinic, so I went to check and saw that the arm joint was sutured. He said, "This isn't done by someone like this." I had the joint surgery done, but it was all visible due to the scar and the upper bulge. I regretted it so much.
 The reason I really suspected it was a ghost surgery was the general anesthesia in the operating room. When I went inside, I didn't even see the director's nose removed until he fell asleep. I didn't even see him when I came out of the anesthesia.
 Are you trusting this director again in that situation? It doesn't make sense. So I asked for a refund.
 But this director is famous enough to know that he did a good job on breast surgery. There are many reviews mentioning the director's real name and praising him.. Why? They give me a discount if I write a review, so I posted a review, but I
 also decided to wait a moment and zoom in on a picture of my breasts. Anyway, I'm sorry I can't mention the name of the hospital right now. If I don't handle it properly, I'll mention it,
 but only the hospitals listed in the first line. Even if you avoid it well, you can avoid ghost surgery.
 He said that when he was working at the lower end of a large hospital, he also underwent many surrogate surgeries from the famous director. Now he is in a different place, and it is a hospital that is in the first line.
 This time, he felt it painfully, and if things go well, I'm looking into reoperation. The first surgery is easy, but the reoperation is more difficult, so let's really avoid it.
+ And since plastic surgery is non-covered, it's a business, so if you do it like this, it can't last long, but you're only obsessed with the results that will be posted after the surgery, three times a day. Even if you can see 10 patients, why wouldn't you do something that can triple or quadruple your sales? Of course, you can do all 10 yourself, but can you concentrate? If they advertise through a review event and become famous and get a lot of reservations, they start doing ghost surgeries again. Certain large hospitals...
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