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Review of the first pair of hands

나이스아메리카노 2024-01-11 (목) 14:22 8 Months ago 1263 [CODE : 85429]
I didn't go to a house that had a consultation fee because it was
 a waste of money. I sold quite a bit of
 handmade items and got a new one. There were a few places that gave a discount for test takers.
 I wanted an in-out that was close between the eyebrows and the eyes.
1. LOL
 (Natural adhesion + epicanthoplasty, upper epicanthoplasty) I remember the price as being the cheapest. The line was okay. It seems like there is no link between eye bridges, so they took the line 1234 times and asked if I had any more questions. But I was nervous because it was my first hospital, and the wait was so long that I wasn't interested, so I passed
2. ㅇㄴㅂ
 They are both famous for their eyes and nose, but I'm in my early 20s. But he did a forehead lift... The director was kind, but he was criticizing his own hospital by talking about paying doctors at other hospitals ㅠㅠ? It hurts my heart a little, that’s… ㅠㅠ Well, they charge a bit more for incisions and epicanthoplasty, and give steep discounts for forehead lift and natural adhesion... It's expensive haha, but that's the original price for just incision + epicanthoplasty, but maybe that's what I thought (incision epicanthoplasty surgery is in the 200s ㅠ)
3. ㄴㅅㅎ
 (Natural adhesion + bridge of the eyes + epicanthoplasty) Here, there was quite a wait for the price, roughly in the mid-range.
 Here I just felt like I was going to do it... The director left less than 3 minutes after he came in. After holding the line a few times, he told me to do this and left. He looked tired. Looking at other reviews, he said he was kind. ㅠㅠ… The director was very kind and said that if you don't want to go to school, you can skip it during the consultation before surgery. Then why do you recommend it in the first place? Anyway, that's it.
4. ㅈㅇㅈㅇ
 (incision + fat removal? + front, upper slit) I heard that this place is a bit expensive, but it's the price I expected. The cost is not much different from the 3rd hospital, and I remember that the treatment wasn't much better. I don't think the director was friendly... However, it would be nice if you could tell me the surgery date in advance. The date is flexible, so it is no use looking at it now, and they asked me to set a date once the surgery is confirmed. However, the director pointed out that I have a mismatched eye for the first time. The director was kind. He explained it to me by drawing it, so I understood it. I am considering it for the second time.
5. ㅇㅇㅍ
 (incision, natural adhesion option available + epicanthoplasty + eye bridge) The cost here is the highest, so I guess it's because I chose the incision, but I'm already exhausted from four consultations... However, the director explained the pros and cons well and passionately drew the line. He wrote it down very meticulously on a piece of paper before seeing the director. Anyway, the director explained it well and tried to reflect my needs very well. He even asked me a lot if I had any questions and was good at answering the questions I asked. But! !… This is the first hospital that requires a reservation deposit and provides such a long and detailed consultation... I wanted to make a reservation because it was a good time, but the manager scared me into making a reservation in advance. He jokingly even told me not to go to the next hospital.
 I was debating whether to make a reservation or not, but after paying 300 points and reading the reviews, I thought, hmm... I'm trying to cancel.
A tip that's not a good tip is to make a reservation even if it's far away, and if there's a cancellation before the reservation date, ask them to contact you at any time. That's why I postponed the reservation to this Wednesday for the next week and received a consultation!

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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